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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

I agree PS3 has best lineup of games.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
outlawauron said:
selnor said:
ssj12 said:
endimion said:
RAH you are so annoying with your *pre puberty voice of a 14 years old acne invaded moron geek* "nah it's not XB exclusive it's on PC" look at it any way you want it's not PC exclusive it's Microsoft exclusive...... you don't run on an MS platform or OS you can't play.... who is retarded enough not to get that concept ???? they have game for windows for a reason... why should they reduce their market just to have a couple of hard headed people say yeah it's 100% exclusive..... it's exclusive to MS.... that's why we have a microsoft forum and not an XB forum... trust me if sony was running their own OS they'll do exactly the same......

now the list.... was it supposed to be sarcastic ????

1) LBP... that game that is closer to a physic engine tech demo with a background mapped and drawn by a 5 years old who happened to find a box of crayola... that goes from left to right... like platformers i was playing 20 years ago ????

2) resistance 2... not a chance to do better than gears 2

3) Motorstorm 2.... well another tech demo for the first one... not worth the price... but it's a nice game i'll give you that...

4) socom.... like you said for hardcore fans... so not really a line up pusher...

now i'm not saying any line up is better... but this is not a sexy line up IMO

and just a note about lips versus singstar.... regional bundles OK?????? well lips can run any DRM free mp3 you have on your MP3 player or any storage device... wait a second napster just got its entire library DRM free... itune and amazon are following... so there you go singstar just got buried in one click

you are.. nevermind..

I'll go through your flamebait..

1. You realize you can play games on Macs and Linux too right? Well how about that. Games for Windows? I dont buy any PC games with that label on it. And you missed my point because The Agency shouldnt be on the PS3's list of exclusives due to its PC version.

2. SOCOM - it really isnt for just the hardcore. Its just that the majority of the fanbase is from the PS2 era. PS2 era gamers = hardcore?

3. Who cares if LIPs has one feature better then the other. When does feature A and B matter when SingStar is a well known name and LIPs isnt.


Having the game on PC wont affect the console sales. As it's exclusive to 360 its console exclusive. Also SCOM is Niche. Look at sales. And it will matter to everyone if they can play any song they have downloaded to their IPOD with Lips. Gee with just a touch of marketing about this feature and I guarentee Lips doubles the sales of Singstar. What would that be like 50 songs on Singstar verses thousands?????


You mean the non existant people who bought a Zune.


Um no...Lips works with both the IPOD and the Zune.

Huh? Last I checked only the Zune worked. Link?

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
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Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

CGI-Quality said:
@ Slippery

You gotta be kidding if you think LIPS will have anything on SingStar - now you've lost your mind, nice try though, but

CGI my first language is not english but. I find your signature pretty funny considering you are a playstation fanboy.

But according to your signature you don't like the playstation family at all.

It's still a part and not apart.


on topic:
The best lineup is not decided by fanboys or hardcore gamers. But by people that buy the games and generate sales with it. That's what still counts for companies ;)






I have to say they both have a great line up this year. IMO i like the ps3's a little more. Mainly cause the big xbox titles i don't care for to much.

Here's a random guy who you guys don't even care or know about's opinion on coming games.


1. LittleBigplanet - Was gonna rent it to see how it is before I buy it, but luckily i got invited to the beta.....I have to say it's a must buy.

2. Resistance 2 - Got the beta for this one as well. I don't know if I' am going to get it or not. I hear Killzone 2 is better and that's the one I' m looking forward to, but I will say it is fun

3. Motor Storm: Pacific Rift - I like some racing games, but this isn't my forte. Could care less. Might rent.

4. Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation - I love Socom but i loves MGO a lot more... I' am at a 50/50 whether I'm going to buy or not. Like I said, probably just wait for Killzone. (i know different genre, but MGO and Fallout will tie me over until then)

5. Valkyria Chronicles - This is the biggest surprise ever for me. I downloaded it from qore, and I FRICKING LOVED IT. This is #1 on my list right now.

6. Bioshock (not exclusive but ps3 this season) - I use to have on the 360. Might rent it again for the special features and another play through)

Xbox 360:

1. Fable 2 - I had the first one on PC.....i didn't like the game at all. Doesn't mean others didn't, but this is just hot air to me.

2. Gears of War 2 - I didn't care for the first one either. It's not a bad game I just think the competition is better.

3. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - I use to play banjo Kazooie all the time on my N64. I loved the games, I'm just not so sure about it on the 360. It's a hit or miss.

4. The Last Remnant (timed Exclusive) - To me this just looks it should be FFXIII however because they had already announced and finished production before it they decided to change the name. However the gameplay (somewhat) and graphics look like it will be FFXII. I'm short on money atm, and this isn't particularly grabbing me. I'll snatch it up later.

5. Left 4 Dead - ......I don't even know why this game is being talked about it looks like pure garbage. The graphics look horrible and the game itself looks like it will play clunky. If I wanted to play something with that many things coming out me and fast paced I would play a Serious Sam game.

6. Lips - everyone else has said a knock off of singstar. I don't even like singstar, i would rather just sing on rockband and have fun with a bunch of people.


1. Mirrors Edge - This looks interesting, but the question on everyone's mind is can they pull it off. Rental first.

2. Call of Duty 5: world at war - I don't think they should have gone back to WW2, and look what happened when MOH went to Japan. If they can pull it off, good for them, otherwise meh, think I will stick to my 4 for the time being.

3. Prince of Persia - I know they're going for art style, so i can't knock on graphics, but it just doesn't look right to me....something seems missing. I' m gonna play this one before I do any more Judging.

4. World Tour - ........lame, rockband, ripoff. While you can say they ripped off the arcades or that rockband ripped off guitar hero......I'm gonna stick with my rockband considering i already have a built up libary of song that can be transferred. However im not gonna buy rockband 2 for a while many other games coming out and i honestly don't play them unless i have some company over.

5. Rockband 2 - Read above.

6. Farcry 2 - I didn't play the first one, and the second one has piqued my interest upon hearing its sandbox....I really want an Oblivion type game that is a FPS which hopefully will be.........

7. Fallout 3 - This looks really interesting. I pre-ordered it for ps3. While I'm disappointed to hear it plays worse on ps3, my 360 broke one too many times and I realllly don't want another one. Hopefully this is the game I want it to be.

8. Silent Hill: Homecoming - I own the game, but i haven't played it yet. I told myself i wasn't gonna play it until Halloween. ( I made a pyramid head costume XD) I can't really say anything about this game considering I haven't played it yet, and even If I did I' am a huge fan of the series. I don't know if it would make my opinion harsher cause I'm expecting a lot or softer cause I' m stricken with glee.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2


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S.T.A.G.E. said:
psrock said:
Sony was supposed to have the biggest lineup this holiday, however most of the big games got moved to 2009. As far I am concern, Gears of War 2 is the biggest game this Holiday season plus all the wii games. As much as i hope LBP and Resistance will be big, Sony has fallen short on their promises. Wait till next year, I guess.


I agree that I thought 2008 was going to be Sony's year. All the more even though it was disappointing at it's peak hype, but still better than last year i'm still buying a PS3. Lets see what we've got for next year shall we?


2009 list of hot exclusive titles for Xbox 360


Halo Wars (AA)

Halo 3: Recon (AAA)

Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Exclusive until PS3 version is announced)

Alan Wake (AAA)

Banjo Tooie

Blue Dragon 2

Mass Effect 2 (AAA)

N3:Ninety-Nine Nights II

Splinter Cell: Conviction (AA)

Ninja Blade


2009 List of hot PS3 titles


InFamous (AAA)


The Agency


Fat Princess

Ratchet & Clank: Future (sequel) AAA

Eye Pet: Your Virtual Pet

DC Universe Online

FFXIII (AAA) {Japan only}


Gran Turismo 5 (AAAAAAA) {pretty much the biggest franchise in Europe)

Heavy Rain (AAA)

Uncharted 2 (AAA)

God of War 3 (AAA)

Demon Soul



Next year should be interesting. Lets see what becomes of it.

Just added in a few things, and Final Fantasy XIII will still have a massive impact for the PS3 in Japan. I don't know how much good eye pet is going to do the with casuals, but it should do quite well.

As Sony have a larger 1st party studio, there are still a few games coming out from there that we dont know about, such as what ingocnito is working on, and then of course there is the chance of the Team Ico game, but that is only a chance.

Microsoft on the other hand, is likely going to have to rely on some 3rd party exclusives again, though we might see a Forza 3

As I was saying and I will repeat it again. FFXIII will come out first on the PS3 and will sell more units on the PS3 first. (This applies to Japan since it comes out there first) so I was right about what I was saying. I never mentioned anything about North America or Europe. So it is fact, PS3 will sell more units first!

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Paul_Warren said:
The PS3 has the best lineup of games through this holiday season and on through the next year and the next couple of years after that. That is why it will pass the 360 in the not so distant future and the Wii at some point after that.


With the drop in price of the 360 and two AAA titles in Fable II and Gears 2 i'll have to question your logic. The PS3 will not push as many consoles at $399.


Oh yeah? Last year Halo 3 came out and people thought this game will save the 360 in the holidays. The PS3 was at $399 with no good games or hardly any good exclusives.. and guess what? It outsold Xbox 360 from November 07 to July 08. Imagine what PS3 would do with a better lineup this year compared to last year.  You are putting a little too much faith onto two games, but i only see the pricecut as a major factor for boost of sales this season.


Bioshock is still on the holiday lineup and I am not removing it from the list because this is "holiday lineup" not "holiday exclusive lineup". If it was.. then I wouldn't have included it on there and I know it was on the Xbox 360 first.

When I play a game, I usually buy it for the genre I like, especially games from past gen-consoles that come onto the new console..... I could care less about a freaking review if I like the game franchise. I want to play it to have fun, not to have doubts about a bad review score from a critic who is picky about everything.

Who needs that kind of crap? I don't. So what now? you going to live the rest of your life following by reviews from critics and if they hate it.. you will most likely not get it either? Ever heard of freedom of choice?

You keep saying trust me.. I don't really trust what you are saying. Sorry~ I will still believe in what I think is right until the time comes and the results show, then I can be wrong if they don't match to what I say.

Also.. you follow software units sold from previous games and reviews of them a biiiiiiit toooooo much. " So and so gave this game a 90+. " Last gen sales chart shows this game sold at XX software units and the sequal of the game should do much better than the first game. So therefore everything I said is "fact". Trust me on this one.

outlawauron said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
outlawauron said:
selnor said:
ssj12 said:
endimion said:
RAH you are so annoying with your *pre puberty voice of a 14 years old acne invaded moron geek* "nah it's not XB exclusive it's on PC" look at it any way you want it's not PC exclusive it's Microsoft exclusive...... you don't run on an MS platform or OS you can't play.... who is retarded enough not to get that concept ???? they have game for windows for a reason... why should they reduce their market just to have a couple of hard headed people say yeah it's 100% exclusive..... it's exclusive to MS.... that's why we have a microsoft forum and not an XB forum... trust me if sony was running their own OS they'll do exactly the same......

now the list.... was it supposed to be sarcastic ????

1) LBP... that game that is closer to a physic engine tech demo with a background mapped and drawn by a 5 years old who happened to find a box of crayola... that goes from left to right... like platformers i was playing 20 years ago ????

2) resistance 2... not a chance to do better than gears 2

3) Motorstorm 2.... well another tech demo for the first one... not worth the price... but it's a nice game i'll give you that...

4) socom.... like you said for hardcore fans... so not really a line up pusher...

now i'm not saying any line up is better... but this is not a sexy line up IMO

and just a note about lips versus singstar.... regional bundles OK?????? well lips can run any DRM free mp3 you have on your MP3 player or any storage device... wait a second napster just got its entire library DRM free... itune and amazon are following... so there you go singstar just got buried in one click

you are.. nevermind..

I'll go through your flamebait..

1. You realize you can play games on Macs and Linux too right? Well how about that. Games for Windows? I dont buy any PC games with that label on it. And you missed my point because The Agency shouldnt be on the PS3's list of exclusives due to its PC version.

2. SOCOM - it really isnt for just the hardcore. Its just that the majority of the fanbase is from the PS2 era. PS2 era gamers = hardcore?

3. Who cares if LIPs has one feature better then the other. When does feature A and B matter when SingStar is a well known name and LIPs isnt.


Having the game on PC wont affect the console sales. As it's exclusive to 360 its console exclusive. Also SCOM is Niche. Look at sales. And it will matter to everyone if they can play any song they have downloaded to their IPOD with Lips. Gee with just a touch of marketing about this feature and I guarentee Lips doubles the sales of Singstar. What would that be like 50 songs on Singstar verses thousands?????


You mean the non existant people who bought a Zune.


Um no...Lips works with both the IPOD and the Zune.

Huh? Last I checked only the Zune worked. Link?

Sorry. Your wrong. Lips will own Singstar in every way.

As with most music games, your interest will largely be determined by the track list. Lips will come with 40 songs on the disc, and the types of music available are varied, ranging from straight up pop to grunge. Highlights for us include 'Fake Plastic Trees' by Radiohead (Wes), 'Virtual Insanity' by Jamiroquai (Seb), 'Listen To Your Heart' by Roxette (James) and ABC by The Jackson 5 (Tom), but we're sure someone somewhere likes Umbrella by Rihanna. And of course you can expect loads of songs to be made available as DLC after the game's released, and, theoretically, if you don't like any of the songs you can use the ones you've got on your MP3 player (which we assume you like).

Lips is shaping up to be a worthy rival to Sony's SingStar series and should fill the karaoke game void on the 360. Will it be better than SingStar? The fact that the microphones are wireless gives it an advantage in our eyes. The MP3 integration is potentially brilliant, but right now that's just it. We'll know soon enough if that potential will be realised. One thing's for sure, Aha like it, and any friend of Aha's is a friend of ours


Announced yesterday during Microsoft's E3 press conference after a few days of rumors, Lips is a karaoke game with a twist: in addition to the 40 songs that ship with the game, you can connect your MP3 player to the Xbox 360's USB port and Lips will take any (non-DRM-protected) song, strip the vocal tracks out, and let you sing along to it. (No on-screen lyrics.)

Forget "New York, New York" or "Respect." Every karaoke night's got those songs. Here are the ten songs from my iTunes collection that I'd like to inflict upon my karaoke guests:


Plenty more articles where that came from. Lyrics wont be displayed, but everyone knows the words to their favourite tracks. And you are scored on them and the game automatically turns the vocals down on any of your songs. You can even use the songs that are on the HDD. Truly Lips is awesome. Also the mics are wireless unlike Singstar. So yes you can use itunes to.


thejuicingamer said:

no doubt about it the huge exclusives will definitly help this winter, just to refresh everyones mind

1. LBP- doesn't get any HUGER than this

2. Resistance 2- Story and Multiplayer look much improved and it now has a fanbase

3. Motorstorm 2- Amazing gameplay, Insane graphics,

4. Socom Confrontation- reviews don't matter for this game, hardcore fans still bought it

Definitly blows the competition out of the water,

I believe Animal Crossing will outsell ALL THESE GAMES COMBINED, in Japan at last

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I believe Animal Crossing will outsell ALL THESE GAMES COMBINED, in Japan at last Laughing

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