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As I was saying and I will repeat it again. FFXIII will come out first on the PS3 and will sell more units on the PS3 first. (This applies to Japan since it comes out there first) so I was right about what I was saying. I never mentioned anything about North America or Europe. So it is fact, PS3 will sell more units first!

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Paul_Warren said:
The PS3 has the best lineup of games through this holiday season and on through the next year and the next couple of years after that. That is why it will pass the 360 in the not so distant future and the Wii at some point after that.


With the drop in price of the 360 and two AAA titles in Fable II and Gears 2 i'll have to question your logic. The PS3 will not push as many consoles at $399.


Oh yeah? Last year Halo 3 came out and people thought this game will save the 360 in the holidays. The PS3 was at $399 with no good games or hardly any good exclusives.. and guess what? It outsold Xbox 360 from November 07 to July 08. Imagine what PS3 would do with a better lineup this year compared to last year.  You are putting a little too much faith onto two games, but i only see the pricecut as a major factor for boost of sales this season.


Bioshock is still on the holiday lineup and I am not removing it from the list because this is "holiday lineup" not "holiday exclusive lineup". If it was.. then I wouldn't have included it on there and I know it was on the Xbox 360 first.

When I play a game, I usually buy it for the genre I like, especially games from past gen-consoles that come onto the new console..... I could care less about a freaking review if I like the game franchise. I want to play it to have fun, not to have doubts about a bad review score from a critic who is picky about everything.

Who needs that kind of crap? I don't. So what now? you going to live the rest of your life following by reviews from critics and if they hate it.. you will most likely not get it either? Ever heard of freedom of choice?

You keep saying trust me.. I don't really trust what you are saying. Sorry~ I will still believe in what I think is right until the time comes and the results show, then I can be wrong if they don't match to what I say.

Also.. you follow software units sold from previous games and reviews of them a biiiiiiit toooooo much. " So and so gave this game a 90+. " Last gen sales chart shows this game sold at XX software units and the sequal of the game should do much better than the first game. So therefore everything I said is "fact". Trust me on this one.