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I have to say they both have a great line up this year. IMO i like the ps3's a little more. Mainly cause the big xbox titles i don't care for to much.

Here's a random guy who you guys don't even care or know about's opinion on coming games.


1. LittleBigplanet - Was gonna rent it to see how it is before I buy it, but luckily i got invited to the beta.....I have to say it's a must buy.

2. Resistance 2 - Got the beta for this one as well. I don't know if I' am going to get it or not. I hear Killzone 2 is better and that's the one I' m looking forward to, but I will say it is fun

3. Motor Storm: Pacific Rift - I like some racing games, but this isn't my forte. Could care less. Might rent.

4. Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation - I love Socom but i loves MGO a lot more... I' am at a 50/50 whether I'm going to buy or not. Like I said, probably just wait for Killzone. (i know different genre, but MGO and Fallout will tie me over until then)

5. Valkyria Chronicles - This is the biggest surprise ever for me. I downloaded it from qore, and I FRICKING LOVED IT. This is #1 on my list right now.

6. Bioshock (not exclusive but ps3 this season) - I use to have on the 360. Might rent it again for the special features and another play through)

Xbox 360:

1. Fable 2 - I had the first one on PC.....i didn't like the game at all. Doesn't mean others didn't, but this is just hot air to me.

2. Gears of War 2 - I didn't care for the first one either. It's not a bad game I just think the competition is better.

3. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - I use to play banjo Kazooie all the time on my N64. I loved the games, I'm just not so sure about it on the 360. It's a hit or miss.

4. The Last Remnant (timed Exclusive) - To me this just looks it should be FFXIII however because they had already announced and finished production before it they decided to change the name. However the gameplay (somewhat) and graphics look like it will be FFXII. I'm short on money atm, and this isn't particularly grabbing me. I'll snatch it up later.

5. Left 4 Dead - ......I don't even know why this game is being talked about it looks like pure garbage. The graphics look horrible and the game itself looks like it will play clunky. If I wanted to play something with that many things coming out me and fast paced I would play a Serious Sam game.

6. Lips - everyone else has said a knock off of singstar. I don't even like singstar, i would rather just sing on rockband and have fun with a bunch of people.


1. Mirrors Edge - This looks interesting, but the question on everyone's mind is can they pull it off. Rental first.

2. Call of Duty 5: world at war - I don't think they should have gone back to WW2, and look what happened when MOH went to Japan. If they can pull it off, good for them, otherwise meh, think I will stick to my 4 for the time being.

3. Prince of Persia - I know they're going for art style, so i can't knock on graphics, but it just doesn't look right to me....something seems missing. I' m gonna play this one before I do any more Judging.

4. World Tour - ........lame, rockband, ripoff. While you can say they ripped off the arcades or that rockband ripped off guitar hero......I'm gonna stick with my rockband considering i already have a built up libary of song that can be transferred. However im not gonna buy rockband 2 for a while many other games coming out and i honestly don't play them unless i have some company over.

5. Rockband 2 - Read above.

6. Farcry 2 - I didn't play the first one, and the second one has piqued my interest upon hearing its sandbox....I really want an Oblivion type game that is a FPS which hopefully will be.........

7. Fallout 3 - This looks really interesting. I pre-ordered it for ps3. While I'm disappointed to hear it plays worse on ps3, my 360 broke one too many times and I realllly don't want another one. Hopefully this is the game I want it to be.

8. Silent Hill: Homecoming - I own the game, but i haven't played it yet. I told myself i wasn't gonna play it until Halloween. ( I made a pyramid head costume XD) I can't really say anything about this game considering I haven't played it yet, and even If I did I' am a huge fan of the series. I don't know if it would make my opinion harsher cause I'm expecting a lot or softer cause I' m stricken with glee.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2