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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan/Others Sales UP.

Ah! fuck! late! :P

Anyway... what was supposed to happen in Others - did. And it's the PS3 back in the lead. DS and Wii doing great as usual... PSP's not bad.

As for Japan, you can see the PS3 numbers go down because of two reasons: A season in which Japan doesn't sell much HW (PSP's nice though), and the foreboding for the release of the PS3 80 GB is Japan - which screwed up its sales pretty much like the price drop announcment by MS, the latest one, which dropped the 360 to 1k on that week, only to shoot for the stars with 30k in the next. Expect something similar with the PS3.

Around the Network

Wow PSP, 400EuroPS3>>>>>>179 Euro360 in Others. PS3 in japan? Must be waiting for 80GB

The new PSP is hurting console sales in Japan, I hate to see what happens when the new DS is out

KillaKB said:
8 weeks in a row 360 beats ps3 ...lulz

Compared to the rest of the year, sure thats cool for microsoft


libellule said:

THX again

Also, I m wondering what will do PS3 next week with the new model and LBP

not sure if it will really boost the sales.

At least, it will pass the xbox360 ... not to bad.

Oh, gg PSP


Happy to help.

4 ≈ One

Around the Network

when are the LBP ps3 bundle coming out for Japan

or was it bundle with a DS3 I forgot

PSP sales are really high.

KillaKB said:
8 weeks in a row 360 beats ps3 ...lulz


 has it been that much already?

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Omg psp in Japan and in Others really good, Ps3 above 360 in Others.


Wow, interesting week.