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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the current gen the slowest moving one?

I have found myself waiting months until I buy new games this gen. For example, after last christmas, I bought No More Heroes in January. I waited until March for Brawl and then April for Mario Kart Wii. From April until September I didn't buy any new Wii games (which I then purchased Star Wars: Force Unleashed and Wario Land: Shake It) and I don't plan on any new games until Animal Crossing. I havn't bought a PS3 game since MGS4.

Last gen it seemed like tons of games were coming out every month... Is it just me or is everyone else seeing the same thing?

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Longer and more expensive development might have something to do with that. Or maybe the games you buy don't always equal the games coming out. New DS games are coming out all the time, good or bad, but most people don't notice them. The handhelds have quite a bit of influence this generation.



Well look at this holiday, there are loads of fantastic games coming out, and of course the summer months are generally slow, but that is to be expected

As the third parties are not fully behind the Wii, not all devs are making games for one platform (like the PS2) so that platform does not have the steady stream of releases. Of course longer development times do not help

Not if you own a 360. So many good games to keep up with. Also got some PS2 RPGs waiting to get played. It sucks having all the RPGs getting released in the Q3/Q4 this year.


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The big games have been waiting for this holiday season. It will be worth the wait in the end

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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There was more games thus more crappy games.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

i think you only have one system? those are all wii games.. wii is slow not the other 2.

edit: never i see you have a ps3 and there has been plenty of ps3 gmes that came out since june your just to picky.

Do you want a list of PS3 games that have come out since June? Well, I'm not giving you one, but:

Soulcalibur IV
Dead Space
Bad Company
Far Cry 2
Pacific Rift

and in a week or so, LittleBigPlanet.

You ARE too picky...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I've just purchased Wario Land: Shake It!, de Blob, and Order of Ecclesia this week. I really don't know where to begin. O.o (It's gonna be one heckuva week though! )

But I can understand where you're coming from, before these titles my last purchase was Force Unleashed, and before that was... erm... Mario Kart Wii I believe. Still, for me, it wasn't a lack of interest as much as it was a lack of money and time. Time still is an issue for me, as I'm having less and less free days just to sit down and put a couple hours into a game.

I'd also listen to Montana, there's a whole bunch of great games for the DS, and while I'm more of a console gamer myself, I can't resist the oodles of goodness on that handheld.

I hate to say this, because it's always hard to accept:

Part of it is that you're getting older, and it's getting more difficult to be excited about games to the point that buying them is a justifiable expense.