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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Boomshackalaka!!! Castlevania Order of Ecclesia 1up review

Baddman said:
if you want to know if zen is okay check his post on my wall


Weird thing is, I prefer him drunk.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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Weswt! I told you all that it was true....

lol, you know...Baddman! You have told on me, I was trying to be funny, not pathetic.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Zen is acting different than Normal?

Anyway one moment I thought this was the 3D fighting Castlevania game would surprise me if that got a great score like this;

Anyway did I missed something? Someone said this would end as crap?

CDiablo said:
I think it takes more work to make a bad Castlevania game than to make a good one.

They must have put in a lot of overtime on the last two console versions, then.


It's sad that Ninetndo Power and Gamepro gave it only an 8/10 and 4.0/5 respectively. I know those are good scores but I was hopping they would be more lenient.

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Soma said:
IGN gave a 9.0

Whoa nice I'll go and check ign right now.


exindguy said:
CDiablo said:
I think it takes more work to make a bad Castlevania game than to make a good one.

They must have put in a lot of overtime on the last two console versions, then.


They didn't give the 3D Castlevanias enough time in development.  I hope they try better with PS3/360 Castlevania which, despite denial from some fans, will be a 3D Castlevania


ZenfoldorVGI said:

Weswt! I told you all that it was true....

lol, you know...Baddman! You have told on me, I was trying to be funny, not pathetic.



lol its cool zen i still think you are awesome

Already bought and paid for!*

I can't wait to have another undead action-rpg hoedown. Yee haw!

(does a little jig)

*Why am I still the only one with Order of Ecclesia in my VGC collection? Shame on you hooligans!

Zen is so toasted