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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - sick of MS dancing around problems

twesterm said:
mrstickball said:

What exactly constitutes a re-design?

A new chip IS a re-design on a smaller level. Going from 90nm to 65nm requires re-designing mobo components as new items are placed, and changed on the system.

Furthermore, the smaller chips fixed the vast majority of issues. Or did you not know that?



Psh, noob.  Don't you know anything?  He has DEFINITIVE evidence the RRoD problem hasn't been fixed, his friends told him so!


OMFG, Megaton!

Man, I can't believe this.

Come on Microsoft! Fix this crap. 9/10 friends agree.



Bah! I just can't come up with anything funny for that, lol. Anecdotal evidence gags have been done to death.

You know, everyone on this board should listen read this, lol...


Your friends are all ignorant. They know far less about anything videogame related than 99.9 percent of the population of these forums. No matter how old you are, just the fact that you found your way to consistantly posting on an Interent message board probably means you are one of the smartest people in your gaggle. You shouldn't listen to them for information and repeat said information on the Internet, ever. The Internet requires truth, since Febuary 2008.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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i dont think RROD will go away. microsofts operating systems for the PC has been having BSOD for 15 years now.....

@ stickball / xman: the OP may make several bizarre statements, but countering them with "they give free gifts when you bring those xbox's in" and "their excellent guarantee" is a big no no, isn't it?

The matter is that it is / has been a major fault in the design, one which shouldn't have been there. Giving things away when you encounter such a fault, is just trying to blindsight the customer / shutting him up. "I gots me gifts, all okays now!11!"

It should never have come to the point where masses of xbox's had to be returned, no matter what kind of compensation you are given.

RROD is not a big deal and it never will be a big deal to anyone apart from people who want it to make a big deal.

I went through 2 PS2's and the 3rd one i traded in for a 360. PS2's cost £60 to repair, only had a 1yr warranty and their Customer service was poor (although u could buy replacement lasers online and solder them in yourself if you knew how to for £5 + shipping).

However, the difference in the RROD with the 360 is different IMO since the PS2 laser problems were most likely due to wear and tear and shit lots of pirate DVD and games being played. The RROD is there by default due to MS wanting to release the console early to get a head start on this gen regardless of what problems it may cause.

The 2 consoles (PS3 and 360) are fighting different type of consoles wars. PS3 is after profit and MS is after market share. 3 year warranty runs out and you have had brilliant customer service support from them, you will probably go buy a new 360 since they are so cheap. That way, they get one more sale to add to market share and no one can fault them for not giving the support to faulty console owners.

Whether this strategy is a good thing or bad thing, at least the 3 year warranty is being offered unlike those who suffered from PS2 problems and at least there is a cheap alternative to buy a new console as a replacement.

youre a very loyal microsoft customer to say you dont have a good thing to say about them. If youre really that fussed get a Wii or PS3!

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We had like two threads about RROD issues last week.  In one of them DMeisterJ got banned because he said 'Get a PS3' forgot that?

And I was sure their was another thread like that because a new user also said 'Get a PS3' I warned him about it .

Anecdotal evidence doesn't equate to fact. Neither does saying something is a fact. Credible sources or fail. Your choice.

Id like to know why the burden of proof would be on anyone else but MS? We know the 360 was faulty to a large degree (looking at the "has RRoD put you off the nextbox" threads, bigger than MS excepted) and know they have said its fixed. So you are saying the burden of proof should now be on the customer because MS are trustworthy and would never say the problem is fixed when its not? Poor you.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

joshin69 said:
Id like to know why the burden of proof would be on anyone else but MS? We know the 360 was faulty to a large degree (looking at the "has RRoD put you off the nextbox" threads, bigger than MS excepted) and know they have said its fixed. So you are saying the burden of proof should now be on the customer because MS are trustworthy and would never say the problem is fixed when its not? Poor you.


 You think MS would say;..'Yeah we still have some problems with the HW of our product,  anyway it if doesn't break we are the best'.

MS also said Vista was a great program that doesn't have some problems.  

Fei-Hung yes you could buy a laser on line but you didnt have to solder them in, they just clipped in. Could have saved yourself some cash there


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups