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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wich PS360 game looks worse than The Conduit?

In my humble opinion, Wii games don't have to have the best graphics. I just want them not to look bad. The Conduit's graphics will be fine.

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Another one:

Vampire Rain in PS3 looks worse :B

(Those are being more than I thought)

While I admire the attempt at this post -- given that Conduit is not yet out, attempting to actually name games is folly.

The HD console loyalists will say that nothing is worse on their console of choice.

The Wii loyalists will point to games that may or may not be worse because all that exists right now are alpha versions and videos of alpha versions.

What's worse, when a Wii loyalist names a game from early in another console's life cycle, the HD loyalists will shout "But that's first generation and HD games look much much better now."

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

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@ mike_intellivision

Yea, but doesn't matter if the games from PS3 or 360 are kaunch games. There are Wii games that look like N64 games. That's not the point. The point is to name worse graphical PS360 games than The Conduit.


P.S - I like the consoles you bought in your life.

Mega Man 9.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
Mega Man 9.


 That's not a retail game. Mega Man 9 graphics are good! It was an 8 bit reborn sequel. Compare it to other 8 bit games :P

Well the color is much better in the conduit. Everything in gears 2 & killzone 2 looks brown & grey.

So you dont want us to compare the consoles because the wii is obviously more superior in FPS games(IN YOUR OPINION) and because every other comparison would be bad for the wii.

Is that what your trying to say? No 360/ps3 FPS game looks worst than the conduit, not even the 1st gen 360 games.




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