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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wich PS360 game looks worse than The Conduit?

I like this Spanx guy haha. I mean so many people are coming in here either saying no way or giving opinions about random other things or saying how useless this thread is. But seriously guys I really don't think he cares becaue the point isn't to bash the thread or provide no info for your statements but to really analyze the "other side" as I like to say.

He's right really people are too close minded when they see some things and I always love reminding people of the other side. I was one of the few people that did it with Wii Music after E3 and look at it now. Spanx, you and I have common ground and I respect that.

Anyways as for the thread looking at the pics posted earlier by feylic, it is hard to say as screens are usually not represenative of the game at its best. I think it would be best if we show 3 videos at the same res to get the best comparison.

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No PS3 or 360 game played in 480p looks worse than the Conduit. End of thread.

@ Zucas. Seeing videos could be good idea yea. Have to post that.
@ PDF - in a control scheme. Of course the Wii can't run those cute-edge physics seen in Crysis, and Far Cry 2.

Username2324 said:
No PS3 or 360 game played in 480p looks worse than the Conduit. End of thread.


I'd hate to say it but the burden of proof of that is on you.  Meaning ever PS3 and or 360 game ever created you need to post a video of it in 480p compared to the eventual final project to make that true. 

Don't make empirical statements if you can't back it up.

Spanx said:

Feyloc thanks. You just choose the worst Conduit screenshot when it was like 10% completed. LOL.

Want me to get you some Fable2 pre-alpha shots that look like an N64 game?
Upsss, guess not.

There's not a single thing The Conduit has over FEAR no matter what screenshot you choose.


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no fps looks on the HD consoles looks as bad the counduit.

Spanx said:
@ Zucas. Seeing videos could be good idea yea. Have to post that.
@ PDF - in a control scheme. Of course the Wii can't run those cute-edge physics seen in Crysis, and Far Cry 2.


Yea the Nintendo Conference trailer of the game was quite good visually so for now until the final project that's a good one for The Conduit. 

As for finding the worse looking PS3 or 360 games this is going to be difficult because unfortunately there is no way to measure how good it looks. Visual is all perception and everyone is going to see something different whether thye like it or not haha.  Going to be difficult to find but that's why people are here I suppose.

fear < conduit  ^_^ 

I'd rank it somewhere between the top tier xbox games and bottom tier HD games.

Assuming FEAR looks the same on 360 as it did on PC three years ago, then no, Conduit isn't anywhere near that level.

Zucas said:
Username2324 said:
No PS3 or 360 game played in 480p looks worse than the Conduit. End of thread.


I'd hate to say it but the burden of proof of that is on you.  Meaning ever PS3 and or 360 game ever created you need to post a video of it in 480p compared to the eventual final project to make that true. 

Don't make empirical statements if you can't back it up.

You don't think I'm right? Prove me wrong, meaning you post any PS3 or 360 game that looks worse.

The simple fact that most games are, or attempt to be rendered in 720p almost gaurantee that they would look better than anything the Wii is capable of in 480p.