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I like this Spanx guy haha. I mean so many people are coming in here either saying no way or giving opinions about random other things or saying how useless this thread is. But seriously guys I really don't think he cares becaue the point isn't to bash the thread or provide no info for your statements but to really analyze the "other side" as I like to say.

He's right really people are too close minded when they see some things and I always love reminding people of the other side. I was one of the few people that did it with Wii Music after E3 and look at it now. Spanx, you and I have common ground and I respect that.

Anyways as for the thread looking at the pics posted earlier by feylic, it is hard to say as screens are usually not represenative of the game at its best. I think it would be best if we show 3 videos at the same res to get the best comparison.