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Forums - Sony Discussion - I don't think the PS3 can hit middle-high 5 mil consoles by the end of the year....

I would've guessed 10.

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i said 10 mil for ps3 but was wrong

rub it in

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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ah, brings back memories whenever I quoted soriku before he became obessed.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I had personally guessed 7-8 million, and I would have been right if Sony wouldn't have floated $3 billion of its own stock, something I couldn't forsee for obvious reasons.

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mrstickball said:
Leo-J, like myself, and many others, anticipated declining demand and/or fewer production increases from Nintendo for the Wii. Which we were wrong. Whereas, many people assumed earlier in the year something would happen for the PS3 to spark demand (games like Lair, HS, Uncharted, JPY bundles, price drops, ect).

And if all those things you said were predicted, then you were predicting Sony to almost surely break itself.  The key point to PS3 getting this had nothing to do with the games.  Those are irrelevant right now.  It's been the Nes SKU's and pricedrops, not to mention the better success in EO for PS3 and Sony brand as a whole.  


But what allowed this to happen is that Sony floated $3 billion of its own stock, making them able to do this withouth making losses too much.  None of yall forsaw this or had any idea they'd do this.  Yall predicted pricedrops and new bundles for reasons that didn't make any economical sense whatsoever.  Thus not expecting them at all was probably the main thing to forsee, and would have been right if that floating hadn't had happened.

Anyone, at least I think, that predicted PS3 sales would increase cause of a pricedrop or new cheaper SKU, was making that out of pure fantasy, not out of analysis of the market, as without knowing about the floating of the stock, this wouldn't have been something that would have been achievable.

this thread completely failed.

Soriku said:
I just read through this thread again. What a fool I was! XD But I didn't expect mountains of price drops and bundles and stuff lol.

Your prediction wasn't wrong, Soriku.  Just how you said it was.  Let me help you out for your 2008 PS3 prediction.

"I predict that the combined sales of the PS3 black 80g, black 40g and what is left over of the  black 60g, selling at their current prices and current software bundles, with no changes in management or going to a better advertising campaign or other acts of God, will sell less than X millions in 2008."

You fill in the X.  It would be best if from after PS3 (black ... of God,) is an asterisk, to footnote in the that text in a font size of 1. 

If you had done this back in 2006, no one could laugh at you now, for your prediction of high 5 million of PS3 in 20g and 60g at their original price was WILDLY optomistic as it turned out.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.