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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why do 12 million PS3 owners not have MGS4?

I'll buy it on xmas

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Kantor said:

What is it that keeps you from buying MGS4? The trailer looks incredible, it has a Gamespot and IGN 10/10, an IGN UK 9.9/10 and an IGN AU 9.5/10, a metascore of 94 and ONLINE!

It's somewhat creepy that more PS3 owners currently own an average racer (MotorStorm) than one of the best games of this gen (MGS4)

I'm not expecting everybody with a PS3 to own it, but is half the audience really that far fetched? 7 million people?

So again, for people who don't own it, what keeps you from buying MGS4?

This site is a perfect place for you to learn, because you don't seem to have the feintest idea about demographics, attach ratios, sales trends, personal tastes, and frankly you don't seem to be very aware of the kind of game Metal Gear Solid is.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
Kantor said:

What is it that keeps you from buying MGS4? The trailer looks incredible, it has a Gamespot and IGN 10/10, an IGN UK 9.9/10 and an IGN AU 9.5/10, a metascore of 94 and ONLINE!

It's somewhat creepy that more PS3 owners currently own an average racer (MotorStorm) than one of the best games of this gen (MGS4)

I'm not expecting everybody with a PS3 to own it, but is half the audience really that far fetched? 7 million people?

So again, for people who don't own it, what keeps you from buying MGS4?

This site is a perfect place for you to learn, because you don't seem to have the feintest idea about demographics, attach ratios, sales trends, personal tastes, and frankly you don't seem to be very aware of the kind of game Metal Gear Solid is.

okay, 7 million people is extremely far fetched, I'll admit. I know MGS is an acquired taste. Many people do not have that taste. But even 5 million would be respectable. I know it's not happening. I know nothing could have made it happen. I'm just saying that more people deserve to play this game.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Onyxmeth said:
Kantor said:

What is it that keeps you from buying MGS4? The trailer looks incredible, it has a Gamespot and IGN 10/10, an IGN UK 9.9/10 and an IGN AU 9.5/10, a metascore of 94 and ONLINE!

It's somewhat creepy that more PS3 owners currently own an average racer (MotorStorm) than one of the best games of this gen (MGS4)

I'm not expecting everybody with a PS3 to own it, but is half the audience really that far fetched? 7 million people?

So again, for people who don't own it, what keeps you from buying MGS4?

This site is a perfect place for you to learn, because you don't seem to have the feintest idea about demographics, attach ratios, sales trends, personal tastes, and frankly you don't seem to be very aware of the kind of game Metal Gear Solid is.

okay, 7 million people is extremely far fetched, I'll admit. I know MGS is an acquired taste. Many people do not have that taste. But even 5 million would be respectable. I know it's not happening. I know nothing could have made it happen. I'm just saying that more people deserve to play this game.

More people "deserve" to play a lot of games. So what? Why even make such born yesterday questions if you're aware of how far fetched they are? This is a sales site, not gamespot. We have tools at our disposal here that make sure we never have to ask such simple to answer questions so we can delve into the tougher material. Spend a day in the Sales Discussion to get educated on this, because your entire mindset on this is so extremely naive that I'm questioning whether the whole topic is satire.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

MGS isnt really one of the block-busters like Halo or GT. They are always reviewed favorably, and have sales which make them a hit and ensure the economic feasibility of coming up with the next MGS. MGS4 is no different, so why the surprise?
A bigger surprise for me are the sales of SMG. It didnt show the legs i was expecting it to have.

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

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"Why do 12 million PS3 owners not have MGS4?"

Because I mostly use my PS3 as a blu-ray Player.
Because I'll enjoy MGS4 later...
Because for now my 360 fulfill my gamings needs.

Don't get me wrong, I love my PS3 (still playing Uncharted, Wipeout HD, Resistance).


My Gaming Setup

MGS 4 is a stealth based shooter game and that appeals to hard core gamers and MGS series fans.

"Why do 12 million PS3 owners not have MGS4?"

MGS4 is the village bicycle, everyone gets a ride.


Kantor said:

What is it that keeps you from buying MGS4? The trailer looks incredible, it has a Gamespot and IGN 10/10, an IGN UK 9.9/10 and an IGN AU 9.5/10, a metascore of 94 and ONLINE!

It's somewhat creepy that more PS3 owners currently own an average racer (MotorStorm) than one of the best games of this gen (MGS4)

I'm not expecting everybody with a PS3 to own it, but is half the audience really that far fetched? 7 million people?

So again, for people who don't own it, what keeps you from buying MGS4?


First, let me say I own this game.

Second, it's pretty clear that the dividing line is the story. Some people seem to think it's awesome. Others, like me, think it's ridiculous and terrible.

Many times a bad story isn't such a big deal, but when the story comprises 9+ hours of gameplay, it cannot be ignored.">">

If I buy a Game I want to play it not watch a movie.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints