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Forums - Sony Discussion - Motorstorm 2 is a must buy(my impressions of the demo)


It has improved in every way over the first one,,,,the engine for the demo is less than 80% final built but the game looked beautiful.

sense of speed has been increased,handling is better,crashes are more cinematic/realistic.(the crashes reminds me of Burnout paradise now),the explosions have been imprved,the level design/setting has improved alot,more game modes,more trakcs,more vehicles......

I loved the demo.

I didn't buy the first motorstorm,,,but this is a first day purchase for me.(actually I ll be trading in Pure for it,,,pure got old pretty quick,,,tricks on same vehicle over and over and over again =/= fun)



if you like burnout paradise or motorstorm 1(or both)you will have alot of fun with this game.







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I liked very much the demo, will get it as soon as possible. Great game.





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sounds cool

lol i want to make a thread about it and how awesome the games is ... its even far better than the first one.

Most of the reviews have it as decent. Not great though.

And there are an AWFUL lot more negative demo impressions out there.

If I get some PS3 playtime this Christmas, I'll see you in Resistance.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Have you seen which score the OPM gave Motorstorm 2 ? 6.0
Very strange. I also can't understand why the OXM gave Dead Space a 6.5

starcraft said:
Most of the reviews have it as decent. Not great though.

And there are an AWFUL lot more negative demo impressions out there.

If I get some PS3 playtime this Christmas, I'll see you in Resistance.

The first one only got decent reviews too.  Metacritic of 82.

And the second one is only getting the reviews it's getting is that it's essentially more of the same, just a different environment. 

If you liked the first one, you'll like this, and they added split-screen, more tracks, and decreased loading times.

Edit - And you're talking about the QORE build, which for some reason is lightyears older than the recent demo released on the PlayStation store, and to the press. 

lol 360 fans attack ... still i liked the demo of the game.

DMeisterJ said:
starcraft said:
Most of the reviews have it as decent. Not great though.

And there are an AWFUL lot more negative demo impressions out there.

If I get some PS3 playtime this Christmas, I'll see you in Resistance.

The first one only got decent reviews too.  Metacritic of 82.

And the second one is only getting the reviews it's getting is that it's essentially more of the same, just a different environment. 

If you liked the first one, you'll like this, and they added split-screen, more tracks, and decreased loading times.


 yah i noticed this ... the load time is faster in motorstorm 2.

NNN2004 said:
lol 360 fans attack ... still i liked the demo of the game.

said the guy who removed the PS Fan sign from his sig ;)