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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Top 5 Wii games that America may never receive

If Fragile isn't coming to NA I'm going on a rampage.

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Tales and Monster Hunter 3 will get a release without a doubt. I am also quite sure that fragile will as well (why not?). Disaster depends on sales, and quality of the game itself.

And T vs C probably wont be released.

Disaster, MH3, Fatal Frame 4, Fragile and the Tales games will all see stateside releases. The delay for Disaster are related to localization issues. Localization with the wrong localization team can delay things a lot. Fatal Frame 4 is in somewhat of a similar situation, but more because of the recent fallouts within their company. Expect these two by Q2 of 2009. MH3 is popular enough to sell across all regions, and Capcom already knows this. Tales of Symphonia was well received in the US and hailed as one of the best GameCube RPGs. It'll get to this side of the pond as well.

The only questionable game is TvsC, mostly because the non capcom characters are pretty unknown in the US, but a big enough anime fanbase might still make it happen.

The article linked is simply conjecture. Its funny how quick people take fact from anyone with a website. The author did nothing to quote or explain from an industry side why these games might not make it. It was all pure conjecture. You could just as well have a PS3/Xb360 fan write an article making the same points and only explaining it as "the Wii is for casuals. LULZ"

In other words, the article mentioned is nothing but a long opinion from one person's perspective, holding no more weight than anyone on this forum. I've given reasons that better explain why these games likely WILL come stateside than the author has explaining why they won't.

Captain rainbow will not come. (and I look at that as good thing. lol)

Most of the others mentioned will come.


I don't believe its just soooo stupid!

Except for tatsunoko!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:


I don't believe its just soooo stupid!

Except for tatsunoko!

You don't like Fragile??!!



stupid as in all those games except for Tatsunoko are OBVIOUSLY coming to NA

especially Tales n MH3....I mean if past iterations did why the hell won't these ones

the author of the list is stupid....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

How do you know these won't be released? There is only 1 game on that list that i think won't come to the west and that's just because of licensing issues.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

TvsC is least likely to release in the west. It'll probably not happen, because few will buy it.

Fatal Frame 4 is one of my most anicipated games, and Nintendo should absolutely release it in the west before christmas. Don't know what they are waiting for. It's already outsold the other entries in the series in Japan (75k), and will sell much more in the west. Besides Disaster, Nintendo doesn't have much for the mature gamer this year (I live in Europe). It's a polished high-quality entry in a respected series.

Don't know why Nintendo chose to release Disaster in Europe instead of the US. Gamers here seem to be more casual-oriented than in the US. That's why Mario &Sonic has sold well above 3 mill here, while Nintendogs has sold 10mill + +. Not a big deal though, as the game doesn't seem to be better than average at best. It will bomb here (just like Fire Emblem and Battallion Wars Wii), because it's getting no hype whatsoever and nobody knows about it. Not going to the US.

Fragile, Monster Hunter 3 and the next Tales better end up here, because they are quality titles that should sell a lot.

Only one of those won't come...

Former something....