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TvsC is least likely to release in the west. It'll probably not happen, because few will buy it.

Fatal Frame 4 is one of my most anicipated games, and Nintendo should absolutely release it in the west before christmas. Don't know what they are waiting for. It's already outsold the other entries in the series in Japan (75k), and will sell much more in the west. Besides Disaster, Nintendo doesn't have much for the mature gamer this year (I live in Europe). It's a polished high-quality entry in a respected series.

Don't know why Nintendo chose to release Disaster in Europe instead of the US. Gamers here seem to be more casual-oriented than in the US. That's why Mario &Sonic has sold well above 3 mill here, while Nintendogs has sold 10mill + +. Not a big deal though, as the game doesn't seem to be better than average at best. It will bomb here (just like Fire Emblem and Battallion Wars Wii), because it's getting no hype whatsoever and nobody knows about it. Not going to the US.

Fragile, Monster Hunter 3 and the next Tales better end up here, because they are quality titles that should sell a lot.