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Disaster, MH3, Fatal Frame 4, Fragile and the Tales games will all see stateside releases. The delay for Disaster are related to localization issues. Localization with the wrong localization team can delay things a lot. Fatal Frame 4 is in somewhat of a similar situation, but more because of the recent fallouts within their company. Expect these two by Q2 of 2009. MH3 is popular enough to sell across all regions, and Capcom already knows this. Tales of Symphonia was well received in the US and hailed as one of the best GameCube RPGs. It'll get to this side of the pond as well.

The only questionable game is TvsC, mostly because the non capcom characters are pretty unknown in the US, but a big enough anime fanbase might still make it happen.

The article linked is simply conjecture. Its funny how quick people take fact from anyone with a website. The author did nothing to quote or explain from an industry side why these games might not make it. It was all pure conjecture. You could just as well have a PS3/Xb360 fan write an article making the same points and only explaining it as "the Wii is for casuals. LULZ"

In other words, the article mentioned is nothing but a long opinion from one person's perspective, holding no more weight than anyone on this forum. I've given reasons that better explain why these games likely WILL come stateside than the author has explaining why they won't.