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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - IGN are gonna give Fable a 10???

Probably 8.5.

So far review scores for this game have been above expectations, but that could change very quickly.

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not enough super mario galaxy love in this thread

anywho.. 9.5 is my guess

Aldro said:

MGS4 = 11/10.

Hell IGN even said so, on the closing comment. (If it was possible they'd most likely give it)

It was the most epic game i have ever played & WATCHED.

In the end the experience is to enjoy and you do that with movies as well. Those that say the cut scenes are long can eat my anu*. If you knew MGS youd know that Konami/Kojima does long cutscenes in MGS becuse its suchan beautiful story & they have done a better job then a god damn real movie to show us the story.

The ingame is a freaking 11/10, Online = 10/10, Soundtracks = 10/10, Graphics = 10/10, CUTSCENES = 1000/10.

Its the best game ive played in my life guys.. Let me tell you how i came to this conclusion :

Once there was a small guy called Aldro. After previously owning an xbox that got the rrod he got sad :( and switched his xbox with Halo ( I wasnt a fan though... no offence the game is good i guess ). To a PS3. PS3 Didnt have the best library but i did well with Warhawk, Resistance, Motorstorm. Now ive gotten tons of great games. Been a gamer since i was 5 years O_o, 15 now XD. Anyway.. played most games as super mario galaxy ( nice too ).

So the hype of MGS4 was growing. I asked my self: Wth is MGS!? Looked up stuff. It looked very complicated so i sat for hours trying to get all info. I failed horribly.

So then the day came i got MGS4. HOLY JESUS AAAAAA BEST GAME OF MY LIFE!

I went to ebay and got Metal gear solid 1 - 2 - 3 ( im at 2 right now ) and ive played MGS4 10 times, got big boss emblem with all weapons , bandana , stealth suite, big boss head skin all unlocked. STILL playing it online & single taking pictures in single of epic moments with my ingame camera. And i itend to play it for the 12th time when i finish MGS3.

What im trying to say is : I am one of the biggest Star wars nerds you can find in the entire IE. Ask me ANYTHING about SW and ill tell you. I camped outside to get The force unleashed (LOL) sadly i was basically the only one XD. And im afraid to say this but... here it goes..



Metal Gear Solid For Life. We salute you Solid Snake!

If you say its not worth a 10 youll find a boot up your anu* becuse it was the best game of my LIFE. And im still not bored!

PSN:Aldro you'll see me play mGS4 24 / 7.

Want to see my other games? check my profile.

Got tons of PS2 games as well. But no doubt MGS is the best franchies ever! and MGS4 is the best GAME & MOVIE ever.

Ok.. i guess i can say : IN MY OPINION.

But seriously play the game 5 times. Watch cutscenes & you will start finding stuffs u never thought u could do! you'll love it like HECK.



(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

You know noone in this entire thread addressed my point. Don't you guys think that the way they are making those specials pre-review means something. The never do this in the way they are now. Maybe I should have put a link to the vids.

Watch these and you will see what I'm on about because clearly NO-ONE on this thread but me has.

Currently Playing: Gears 2, World at War, GTA IV, Banjo Nuts and Bolts

The Greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge - Stephen Hawking


I'd say 9.5. They will give it plenty of praise but I think that they aren't likely to issue any 10 scores for a while.

edit- and on that note I have reached the number of the beast lol




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iberz said:
You know noone in this entire thread addressed my point. Don't you guys think that the way they are making those specials pre-review means something. The never do this in the way they are now. Maybe I should have put a link to the vids.

Watch these and you will see what I'm on about because clearly NO-ONE on this thread but me has.


Whoa, those were freakin' awesome man.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


KylieDog said:
No, I just don't defend poor games because I happen to own the system they are released on.


poor games? LOL mgs4 is far from a poor game. Its your taste thats bad.

Xen said:
mrstickball said:
I see an 11.

The only game worthy of an 11 this gen is MGS4 :)



Please...Kojima himself didn't even think MGS4 deserved a 10. It deserved a 9.5. The graphics are a sure ten but the gameplay was not. It took a step back to the cinematics, which has no category really in gaming. Cinematics would be in the graphics section. The replay value is not a 10 either. Sound is a 9.8 if you have a good surround sound system. Kojima knows himself that if he could turn back the hands of time and increase gameplay he would've. This was one of his games biggest criticisms and also the same from him as well.

You will have far more to do in Fable 2 than MGS4 for sure (not to take away from the greatness of the game because it is great) because it will be purely focused on gameplay, which is why it was take alot longer to beat. Not to mention it's open ended.

Kojima is a perfection freak thats why we love him. Basically all sites gave it a 10 and IGN said its worth an 11. If Kojima is unpleased well that sux for him but i love the game as much as my dick XD ( and thatssss allooooot xP)