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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Edge magazine reviews Fable 2, Little Big Planet, and Tales of Vesperia

It's not pointed out but that's a good score for Rock Band 2 also.

The other scores (LBP, Fable, TOV, Dead Space) I'm happy to see. EDGE is one of the few magazines I actually enjoy reading.

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Cant understand the 7/10 for Motorstorm 2. Just been playing the demo, totally awesome. Maybe Edge just hate racing games.

A 10 from Edge?

Colour me impressed.

tombi123 said:
Cant understand the 7/10 for Motorstorm 2. Just been playing the demo, totally awesome. Maybe Edge just hate racing games.


Or Zenfolder is right and they mostly award innovation. The game providing you showers to cool down your car doesn't not equal innovation :D

tombi123 said:
Cant understand the 7/10 for Motorstorm 2. Just been playing the demo, totally awesome. Maybe Edge just hate racing games.

sorry but the motorstorm 2 seems terrible from the demo I played

it deflated my hype


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Tell me if I'm wrong but isn't EDGE the one that is "supposedly" BIASED against the PS Triple??

anyways BRILLIANT LBP & FABLE 2 review

as I keep saying those two games are the TRUE GEMS for each system respectively....not the same old worn out shooters like REs 2, GEOW 2 n so on


No. I think they gave MGS4 an 8/10 or something, so everyone hates them, but they are actually just a really harsh reviewer who awards innovation. Same with Eurogamer. If you can do well there, in theory, you usually have outstanding reviews from most other outlets.

I didn't know about this tragedy......Well I'll have to send them a virus then:)

P.S I thought they were the ones who gave R & C n HS a bad review


I think that was gamespot.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


well they gave Halo 3 and GTA IV both 10 scores..

These guys at Edge consider themselves really important persons in the gaming industry. I hate to admit it but I highly regret the fact that I' ve bought in the past some issues (which are highly overpriced here in Greece, almost 12 euros or something). I almost didn't realize I was reading a gaming magazine.
For me, the first and most important thing a game reviewer or journalist or what the hell they want to call themselves must do is not taking his or her job too seriously so he or she can enjoy gaming full scale.
In other news, I don't give a penny for their scores and considering me, Saints Row 1's 5 and Fracture's and Legendary's 4 mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (or in the contrary means they are pretty descent games).
Next time we will have a medical or scientific discovery in a game I'll make sure they know it first!

"Fable II is Lionhead's greatest achievment to date, with a coherent, onward-rushing adventure story that ranks with the best the medium can offer."

That's extremely promising, especially for anyone who has played Black and White.

They're a bit late with Disgaea 3 and ToV, no? I would agree with the Disgaea score, but would likely boost it to an 8.5. Seems like Edge deals only with whole numbers though.

Great score for LBP, anyone know what 10's they have handed out in the past?

On EDGE Racing games... Forza, PGR4, GRID all got 9 and Dirt got an 8. So I wouldn't say they were biased about racers

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