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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is current Wii online offerings better than Super Smash Brothers Brawl

I dunno, it could be your connection or someone else's. I was able to have lag free matches with my friends who lives on the west coast. I live on the east coast :C

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Roflinator said:
I dunno, it could be your connection or someone else's. I was able to have lag free matches with my friends who lives on the west coast. I live on the east coast :C

"With Friends" often (but not always) works okay. "With Anyone" blows. I don't even bother anymore, which makes me sad.


DarkNight_DS said:
Bomberman Blast on Wiiware has a good online component. Still uses friend codes but it works. No major issues like the ones in Smash Bros.


As far as that goes, so does Dr. Mario.

Not sure why these WiiWare developers could figure out online but Sakurai couldn't. :P

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

famousringo said:
DarkNight_DS said:
Bomberman Blast on Wiiware has a good online component. Still uses friend codes but it works. No major issues like the ones in Smash Bros.


As far as that goes, so does Dr. Mario.

Not sure why these WiiWare developers could figure out online but Sakurai couldn't. :P

Because a fighting game and Doctor Mario make for a great basis of comparison.

DarkNight_DS said:
Bomberman Blast on Wiiware has a good online component. Still uses friend codes but it works. No major issues like the ones in Smash Bros.

I'm not sure I agree since I get dropped constantly (I'm not alone in this--check Hudson's forums) and, beyond that, if one more person picks Air Raid, I'm going to find them and smack them with a big, red, boxing glove.


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Mario Kart Wii by far has the best online: NO LAG!, race aup to 11 other people in the world, with friends, with your friends AND other people in the world, 2 tournaments every month, race random ghosts from people around the world, download friend's time trial ghosts/world record ghosts. There are probably more but yeah, it is pretty sweet!

@Senlis : "With anyone" is complete and utter crap even when you do connect to a game you'll probably get one guy who doesn't move at all, one Ike spamming smashes and a Pikachu spamming Thunder.

"With friends" is the complete opposite, it's really great and you can do any kind of game you want (even Coin matches if you're one of the 4 people who enjoys them!).

You can PM me your Friend code if you wanna try out SSBB's true online.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

You can PM me your Friend code if you wanna try out SSBB's true online.

Don't do it! 

Truck is trying to lure you in with shiny, yummy turnips but he'll pull out a beam saber when you're not looking and stab you in the back!


Put simply, compared to other fast paced games, super smash bros. brawl has very bad online, but only if you're not doing friend matches.

I'm not a fanboy, I just don't enjoy dual analog control.  It's d-pad or wii-mote for me.

the conduit has changed the way wii play games.

I know.  I'm sick of the puns too.

Words Of Wisdom said:
famousringo said:
DarkNight_DS said:
Bomberman Blast on Wiiware has a good online component. Still uses friend codes but it works. No major issues like the ones in Smash Bros.


As far as that goes, so does Dr. Mario.

Not sure why these WiiWare developers could figure out online but Sakurai couldn't. :P

Because a fighting game and Doctor Mario make for a great basis of comparison.


You don't think Bomberman has fast-paced action?

Lag in the fight is one thing, but I can't even get SSBB to start a fight. This is not a problem with Dr. Mario or Bomberman.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.