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Forums - Sony Discussion - what make makes ps3 better than 360s

Trying to be as unbiased as possible, it's the build quality and the quiet disc drive.

That's about it. Everything else mentioned in here is either misinformed or too based on personal opinion.

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The PS3 is superior to the 360 in everything save for its online service, which I'd still take over Live though, since Live isn't even supported where I live.

1. Better upcoming games and exclusives IMO.
2. Better hardware, obviously.
3. Better controller (the 360 one is better in shooters, but is worse anywhere else IMO).
4. Free online.
5. Is backed by Sony First party.
6. Is futureproof. In all honesty, I don't see a need to even release a PS4 anytime soon.
7. BR, but that's not so important to me.
8. HDD in every console, which also happens to be replaceable if needed.
9. For some, and maybe later, BC with two of the three greatest consoles in history: PS1 and 2.

well id like to point out some things that people haven't mentioned ..
ps3 online games are generally bigger than 360 games with a lot more people..
example warhawk 32 players
socom 32 players
resistance 40 players
resistance 2... 60 players
upcoming games like m.a.g.
256 players...
and that's not even mentioning normal sized games

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

Xen said:
The PS3 is superior to the 360 in everything save for its online service, which I'd still take over Live though, since Live isn't even supported where I live.

1. Better upcoming games and exclusives IMO.
2. Better hardware, obviously.
3. Better controller (the 360 one is better in shooters, but is worse anywhere else IMO).
4. Free online.
5. Is backed by Sony First party.
6. Is futureproof. In all honesty, I don't see a need to even release a PS4 anytime soon.
7. BR, but that's not so important to me.
8. HDD in every console, which also happens to be replaceable if needed.
9. For some, and maybe later, BC with two of the three greatest consoles in history: PS1 and 2.


I may have a little different view

1) Better upcoming games I am going to try and be impartial and say thats a draw in muy opinion

2) better hardware...AGREED

3) Better controller....not in my opinion I enjoy my sticks offset

4) free online AGREED...though I will pay for mine since I feel I get a better experience out of live

5) Ok MS s backed by MS first party

6) I will agree to that but dosent matter tha much since a console lifespan is limited anyways

7) Dont even know what BR means

8) MS has the same thing though props to sony for not going with exclusive ones

9) Is my single biggest beef with the PS3 if it had BC currenltly I would OWN ONE but since they dont I dont.  I and my fanily have 80 ps2 games and a few ps1 and we have a old dying ps2 and an old ps2 but since the PS3 wont play them we are buying another PS2 I would make the jump but cant!!


I have to agree the PS3 is a great system

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

^BR means Blu-Ray.

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Xen said:
^BR means Blu-Ray.


Thanks yes they have BR and actually to me thats important!!! One the price drops I will be buying still xtremly MAD over the lack of BC!!!!!  Even if they dont go back and add BC I will own one just need the price to drop $100 + so I can get a PS2 and PS3

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Haha at the first page of this thread, PS3 fanboys turning on each other.

But I actually agree with what S.T.A.G.E said though.

S.T.A.G.E you are an interesting (and I would suggest rare) breed of Sony fan. One able to form an objective view of things rather than loving every single thing Sony does.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


xman said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
megaman2 said:
its the greatest console ever made!

Where do I begin - Blu ray, free online, the best future line up of game e.g gow3, gt5, infamous, kz2, r2 etc. reliability, ability to store pics and video straight to the hard drive, removable hard drive, built like a tank, home on the horizon and the list goes on and on.

Im known to many people on this site as the sony leader, I hope i have managed to educate you, no need to thank me.


Greatest console ever made?....Greatest Blu Ray deal ever yes, but Greatest console...thats a debatable opinion. I'm sure you've had other consoles that you like.

I am ok with a little fanboy but greatest console ever made?  COme on, you are saying its better the Atari2600 SNES, SNES and PS1 and PS2.  All the consoles mentioned DOMINATED there generation and came out with some games that are in the hall of fame.  Not to put a damper on your party the PS3 is LAST this generation the greatest of all time the PS3 will not go down as




Exactly. There is no console this gen that could be considered the greatest of all time. There are many factors for many people that go into that category which were satisfied last gen and before.

tuoyo said:
S.T.A.G.E you are an interesting (and I would suggest rare) breed of Sony fan. One able to form an objective view of things rather than loving every single thing Sony does.


Well...thanks for the compliment, but i'm not a fan of Sony or Microsoft. Actually I can't stand either company and believe they both will be the monopolization of the industry. I appreciate the console which quenches my thist the most for games. PS3 and 360 do that. I would opt to say that gaming gets worse every year, but I love gaming so what the heck. Thanks anyway man.


I believe (Much like you) that the PS3's power is superior to the 360, but thats not the end all be all. The XBOX was more powerful than the PS2, remember?