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Xen said:
The PS3 is superior to the 360 in everything save for its online service, which I'd still take over Live though, since Live isn't even supported where I live.

1. Better upcoming games and exclusives IMO.
2. Better hardware, obviously.
3. Better controller (the 360 one is better in shooters, but is worse anywhere else IMO).
4. Free online.
5. Is backed by Sony First party.
6. Is futureproof. In all honesty, I don't see a need to even release a PS4 anytime soon.
7. BR, but that's not so important to me.
8. HDD in every console, which also happens to be replaceable if needed.
9. For some, and maybe later, BC with two of the three greatest consoles in history: PS1 and 2.


I may have a little different view

1) Better upcoming games I am going to try and be impartial and say thats a draw in muy opinion

2) better hardware...AGREED

3) Better controller....not in my opinion I enjoy my sticks offset

4) free online AGREED...though I will pay for mine since I feel I get a better experience out of live

5) Ok MS s backed by MS first party

6) I will agree to that but dosent matter tha much since a console lifespan is limited anyways

7) Dont even know what BR means

8) MS has the same thing though props to sony for not going with exclusive ones

9) Is my single biggest beef with the PS3 if it had BC currenltly I would OWN ONE but since they dont I dont.  I and my fanily have 80 ps2 games and a few ps1 and we have a old dying ps2 and an old ps2 but since the PS3 wont play them we are buying another PS2 I would make the jump but cant!!


I have to agree the PS3 is a great system

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks