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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 passes 100,000 unit sales in Switzerland.

darthdevidem01 said:
like it or not

Ps3 is a BEAST in Europe


 What is Wii then?


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RolStoppable said:

I really appreciate that you spend so much time to find sales data for smaller countries, but you have to find more sales info for Austria because that's the most important market out of Austria itself, Slovenia and Liechtenstein.

Maybe Austria first needs to win some football matches before BKK2 finds them worthy of the trouble of looking for the videogame numbers...


TaurusVGC said:
darthdevidem01 said:
like it or not

Ps3 is a BEAST in Europe


 What is Wii then?

A Behemoth.


RolStoppable said:
koffieboon said:
RolStoppable said:

I really appreciate that you spend so much time to find sales data for smaller countries, but you have to find more sales info for Austria because that's the most important market out of Austria itself, Slovenia and Liechtenstein.

Maybe Austria first needs to win some football matches before BKK2 finds them worthy of the trouble of looking for the videogame numbers...

Please, don't start with this. I am trying to become a serious member now.

Considering you've already given up on that effort I assume that problem is solved. Besides, since when is football something to not take serious?


That's nice. THanks for the news.

4 ≈ One

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zayanora said:
360 isn't even at 50K yet. Switzerland is one of the smartest and richest countries in Europe. No wonder hockey is huge there.

lol - nothing more to say here

RolStoppable said:
koffieboon said:
RolStoppable said:

Please, don't start with this. I am trying to become a serious member now.

Considering you've already given up on that effort I assume that problem is solved. Besides, since when is football something to not take serious?

You are absolutely right. Football is serious business and made me even change my nationality during summer. Too bad that I couldn't be proud of my/your/our country in the quarter finals.

You know you should be proud of your country regardless of victory or defeat.

On-topic: BKK2, didn't you contact Gfk Switzerland a few months ago about getting top 10s for all consoles combined? And didn't they promise to deliver some additional information after the end of the quarter? Did that also include some console numbers?


fact : Switzerland>Austria

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


SIEA said they'd include LTDs with the quarterly report, but didn't. Q3 report should be out in a couple of weeks, so if they're not included with that I'll request them again.

Haven't seen any Austrian figures for a while.

Here's YTD through June:

NDS: 67,558
Wii: 42,313
PS3: 36,040
PSP: 29,346
PS2: 14,758
360: 12,156