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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kaz Hirai : it's important Sony does not allow Nintendo to 'run off alone`

right now its not needed.

I would argue against this. Sony needs a price cut FAST. MS is starting to outsell them again and as Kaz said if Nintendo sells 2-3 times as many consoles for a long time it will be PS2 -> Gamecube again just this time turned 180°.

They need a price cut and decrease Nintendo's lead to retain the better third-party support of the Hd consoles and to keep MS in check.

If it wasn't needed they would sell more consoles.

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Kyros said:
right now its not needed.

I would argue against this. Sony needs a price cut FAST. MS is starting to outsell them again and as Kaz said if Nintendo sells 2-3 times as many consoles for a long time it will be PS2 -> Gamecube again just this time turned 180°.

They need a price cut and decrease Nintendo's lead to retain the better third-party support of the Hd consoles and to keep MS in check.

If it wasn't needed they would sell more consoles.


i believe cutting the price now would sell more consoles -more enough to finish the compition between 360-ps3 weekly sales- but it would hurt their perfomance and less first party games u will have >> less exclusive games

so IMO price cut is better next year with the release of KZ2 ^^

360+PS3 COMPETING THE WII FOR 3rd part developers so 360 would help the ps3 and vice vesra

libellule said:
resisting versus MS is HARD


This generation I agree...but passed generations Sony had no problems with wiping the floor with Nintendo.

All in all next generation will be so interesting...more motion controllers?...Wii with HD?


as a child a 400$ console was just a dream, neo-geo and jaguar were just far too expensive to even think about.
150$ was pretty much the maximum i was allowed to ask for, for a console. My parents would always say "wouldn't you rather have more games?"
price really matters, I don't know why everyone thinks it is about the library, or the console.
Success of the wii had certainly a LOT to do with price. Price must come down, or more games must be given along with the system. 400$ system with 2 games, plus Home, and maybe a free 20$ online credit, and a Bluray (not spiderman 3) would be pretty good deal.

Kyros said:
right now its not needed.

I would argue against this. Sony needs a price cut FAST. MS is starting to outsell them again and as Kaz said if Nintendo sells 2-3 times as many consoles for a long time it will be PS2 -> Gamecube again just this time turned 180°.

They need a price cut and decrease Nintendo's lead to retain the better third-party support of the Hd consoles and to keep MS in check.

If it wasn't needed they would sell more consoles.

well look at the % drops in 360 price cut boosts, its not looking good if 360 tracks just over ps3 for remainder of year.

normal weeks i can remeber 50+ weekly victories for ps3 over 360 without any price cutting, and 360 had a few of them weeks but its coming down, and that was only due to price cuts.

last time a major price cut for ps3 saw sales for that week absolutly rocket and sales remeained good all year round till now.

price sure is an issue, but i think ps3 will sell lots of consoles during the xmas period, and when price cuts arrive in 2009 ps3 will track very very well.

a £249 or a £229 ps3 in uk or the eu equivilant would be a major sales exploder.

with ps3 all the price haggling is there to come, with 360 theres not much room left.

i will be talking a break from vgchartz when socom is released in fact i cant wait i might just get the import version, ps3 at only £299 and $399 its a bloody great deal, buy one now!


...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Around the Network
theprof00 said:
as a child a 400$ console was just a dream, neo-geo and jaguar were just far too expensive to even think about.
150$ was pretty much the maximum i was allowed to ask for, for a console. My parents would always say "wouldn't you rather have more games?"
price really matters, I don't know why everyone thinks it is about the library, or the console.
Success of the wii had certainly a LOT to do with price. Price must come down, or more games must be given along with the system. 400$ system with 2 games, plus Home, and maybe a free 20$ online credit, and a Bluray (not spiderman 3) would be pretty good deal.


i got my arse kicked of my parents when i bought a panasonic 3do for £400, yes £400 in them days were a hell of a lot of money, but a ps3 is a more suitable purchase, its the only console thats for everyone, apart from blatent kids games that is

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

^exactly, if the ps3 was 200$ words cannot describe how much devastation it would wreak on the market competition.
sony would lose trillions after 5 million people bought one in one week.

yes it is a more justifiable purchase, but it is still 400$. It is even harder to convince your parents that it is ALSO a BluRay player.
Hell I couldn't even convince my parents that cell-phones were useful.....

Maynard_Tool said:
But i thought they were not competing with each least that's the cheap excuse everyone uses...Oh, i see.........

It's just a cheap excuse (=

Well, start bringing the games!!!! God of War III is the only thing im really interested on for the Ps3.


At the very least, it was Microsoft who made the claim that "were not competing with each other."  But here is what gets to me about Hirai's statement.  I agree with his statement in of itself.  And as a business, SONY need to make money so I can understand not dropping the price of the PS3 just yet especially when big, hyped titles are coming its way.  And if this is the case, he should just leave Nintendo alone.  Otherwise, drop the price of the PS3 to spur sales.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Cutting price is only going to create more deficits. The goal of selling at a loss in the first place was to be able to sell software to people. With LBP they are starting to create software that people wont be able to ignore. You can look at my posting history to find out where I believe Sony will be going from here.

They don't need a price cut now because they aren't in this for the market share race anymore. They have enough of an install base that most 3rd party developers are releasing games on their system because it's more profitable to do so. Given the large investments in HD titles publishers and developers wanna make more money in return.

All Sony needs to do is bring the games to shut up the "it has no good games" argument that everyone likes to toss around even though it isn't true because it shares the vast majority of the 360's library as well as a few exclusives all it's own.

Sony has advertised very poorly this generation. Nintendo has done so very well. If Sony improves the advertising they will improve greatly. LBP is a great start. I wonder if EyePet will get this kind of marketing?