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Kyros said:
right now its not needed.

I would argue against this. Sony needs a price cut FAST. MS is starting to outsell them again and as Kaz said if Nintendo sells 2-3 times as many consoles for a long time it will be PS2 -> Gamecube again just this time turned 180°.

They need a price cut and decrease Nintendo's lead to retain the better third-party support of the Hd consoles and to keep MS in check.

If it wasn't needed they would sell more consoles.


i believe cutting the price now would sell more consoles -more enough to finish the compition between 360-ps3 weekly sales- but it would hurt their perfomance and less first party games u will have >> less exclusive games

so IMO price cut is better next year with the release of KZ2 ^^

360+PS3 COMPETING THE WII FOR 3rd part developers so 360 would help the ps3 and vice vesra