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Kyros said:
right now its not needed.

I would argue against this. Sony needs a price cut FAST. MS is starting to outsell them again and as Kaz said if Nintendo sells 2-3 times as many consoles for a long time it will be PS2 -> Gamecube again just this time turned 180°.

They need a price cut and decrease Nintendo's lead to retain the better third-party support of the Hd consoles and to keep MS in check.

If it wasn't needed they would sell more consoles.

well look at the % drops in 360 price cut boosts, its not looking good if 360 tracks just over ps3 for remainder of year.

normal weeks i can remeber 50+ weekly victories for ps3 over 360 without any price cutting, and 360 had a few of them weeks but its coming down, and that was only due to price cuts.

last time a major price cut for ps3 saw sales for that week absolutly rocket and sales remeained good all year round till now.

price sure is an issue, but i think ps3 will sell lots of consoles during the xmas period, and when price cuts arrive in 2009 ps3 will track very very well.

a £249 or a £229 ps3 in uk or the eu equivilant would be a major sales exploder.

with ps3 all the price haggling is there to come, with 360 theres not much room left.

i will be talking a break from vgchartz when socom is released in fact i cant wait i might just get the import version, ps3 at only £299 and $399 its a bloody great deal, buy one now!


...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...