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Forums - Sales Discussion - Another week of xbox360 dominance in japan

Supernova82 said:
Starcraft must be drinking champagne every week XBox 360 outsells PS3 in Japan.


On the contrary, that is what I am doing.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

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360 may not be burning up the pavement in japan, but it's definitely doing better than it was.

The PS2 numbers are worrisome... Sony seems to have gotten itself into a pickle. Removing BC from the PS3 allowed them to reduce the price, yet buyers in Japan still prefer the PS2, probably due to the much lower price and the ability to play a large legacy collection of games. If Sony had left BC in the PS3, they would have addressed the ability to play the legacy games, but made the price gap even worse. Sony has to be wanting the PS3 to quickly replace the PS2... if it doesn't, then that will badly balkanize their PS console brand and slow PS3 adoption.

Perhaps a good raft of new Japan-centric PS3 games that *aren't* on the PS2 will help.

sales are awful across all platforms.
Is the Japanese economy more vulnerable than previously thought?
Good test to come this(next) week as the markets claw their way back up to respectability IMO

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

DMeisterJ said:

Go 360!

It deserves MGS4 on the console, PS3 can't manage any sales.

NNN2004 said:
is Fable 2 big in japan ? cuz i think we will not be happy next week because LBP are coming and i think its big in japan.

Well Fable 2 doesn't even come out for the 360 in Japan until mid-December, so whatever sales it might have won't be seen until then.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

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I've defended the 360 when sales were low the week before a new bundle or price cut, so I'll do same the with the PS3. Anyone that thinks this "dominance" will be sustainable is kidding themselves.

Regardless, I do see something disburbing about the xbox360 sales vs the PS3's in Japan these past few weeks. Microsoft have done quite alot to get ahead of the PS3 for the last month, releasing big name titles exclusively, cutting the price, and improving their marketing. Yet the sales have hardly made a difference in the grand scheme of things and Sony have done absolutely nothing in response to microsoft. It's frustrating because on one end, I see a company putting tons of effort into the Japanese market and on the other end, I see a company that apparently have almost abandoned the market. The worse part is that by the end of the year, the amount of HW sales that the 360 managed to get by the PS3 in the last 5 weeks, will probably be cut down to nothing.

Can we pick a term besides "dominance"?

bbsin said:
I've defended the 360 when sales were low the week before a new bundle or price cut, so I'll do same the with the PS3. Anyone that thinks this "dominance" will be sustainable is kidding themselves.

Regardless, I do see something disburbing about the xbox360 sales vs the PS3's in Japan these past few weeks. Microsoft have done quite alot to get ahead of the PS3 for the last month, releasing big name titles exclusively, cutting the price, and improving their marketing. Yet the sales have hardly made a difference in the grand scheme of things and Sony have done absolutely nothing in response to microsoft. It's frustrating because on one end, I see a company putting tons of effort into the Japanese market and on the other end, I see a company that apparently have almost abandoned the market. The worse part is that by the end of the year, the amount of HW sales that the 360 managed to get by the PS3 in the last 5 weeks, will probably be cut down to nothing.


I'll second that lol... it's interesting to see that PS3 has done absolutely nothing to X360's response of releasing prime JP games, marketing, price cuts, and yet still come in with considerable sales. I think this is an indication of decline in hard core gaming in general? Then again, Sony has the PSP to help them break even. Sony is really different this gen not only because of their audience target approach, but the fact that now they have an ACCOMPANYING device to go with the PS3 -- the PSP. PSP and PS3 pull together is pretty impressive in my opinion. For someone whos doing a handheld for the first time, I have give Sony some congratulations. Look at microsoft's first attempt on home consoles... compare that to PSP??

errorrrr said:
bbsin said:
I've defended the 360 when sales were low the week before a new bundle or price cut, so I'll do same the with the PS3. Anyone that thinks this "dominance" will be sustainable is kidding themselves.

Regardless, I do see something disburbing about the xbox360 sales vs the PS3's in Japan these past few weeks. Microsoft have done quite alot to get ahead of the PS3 for the last month, releasing big name titles exclusively, cutting the price, and improving their marketing. Yet the sales have hardly made a difference in the grand scheme of things and Sony have done absolutely nothing in response to microsoft. It's frustrating because on one end, I see a company putting tons of effort into the Japanese market and on the other end, I see a company that apparently have almost abandoned the market. The worse part is that by the end of the year, the amount of HW sales that the 360 managed to get by the PS3 in the last 5 weeks, will probably be cut down to nothing.


I'll second that lol... it's interesting to see that PS3 has done absolutely nothing to X360's response of releasing prime JP games, marketing, price cuts, and yet still come in with considerable sales. I think this is an indication of decline in hard core gaming in general? Then again, Sony has the PSP to help them break even. Sony is really different this gen not only because of their audience target approach, but the fact that now they have an ACCOMPANYING device to go with the PS3 -- the PSP. PSP and PS3 pull together is pretty impressive in my opinion. For someone whos doing a handheld for the first time, I have give Sony some congratulations. Look at microsoft's first attempt on home consoles... compare that to PSP??

m$ is cheaper than the wii.

and both nintendo and sony and looking down and not doing a thing!.

they will both outsell the 360 for the year at a higher price and less JRPGs.


I heard on neogaf that this was a record low for JP PS3 sales.
The previous record low was the week before.
Next week could be even lower and may continue until the new 80gb bundle comes out.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire