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I've defended the 360 when sales were low the week before a new bundle or price cut, so I'll do same the with the PS3. Anyone that thinks this "dominance" will be sustainable is kidding themselves.

Regardless, I do see something disburbing about the xbox360 sales vs the PS3's in Japan these past few weeks. Microsoft have done quite alot to get ahead of the PS3 for the last month, releasing big name titles exclusively, cutting the price, and improving their marketing. Yet the sales have hardly made a difference in the grand scheme of things and Sony have done absolutely nothing in response to microsoft. It's frustrating because on one end, I see a company putting tons of effort into the Japanese market and on the other end, I see a company that apparently have almost abandoned the market. The worse part is that by the end of the year, the amount of HW sales that the 360 managed to get by the PS3 in the last 5 weeks, will probably be cut down to nothing.