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Forums - Sony Discussion - Steve Jobs on Blu-ray, ouch!

iTunes movies compete with Bluray? I didn't know iTunes sold 1080p movies uncompressed complete with the 30 hour download time and that necessary 1TB(1000GB) external harddrive to store them on. A huge cost and inconvience. I just walk down the street to either Blockbuster, WalMart or the local mall and pay $30 and just pop it into my PS3 at no extra cost since I was already getting a PS3 regardless of BD movies in the first place.

iTunes movies compete with DVD. Get your facts straight.

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I don't see the huge deal with this statement.

He feels that right now is not the right time to incorporate the technology into their laptops, it doesn't matter if they are on the board or not, that does not force them to use it right now. He isn't bashing BD, if he was he wouldn't say "we are waiting until things settle down and Blu-Ray takes off in the marketplace."

Title is a bit misleading to me.

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I'm not sure what you want to read into this? He doesn't want to put Blu-ray into the laptops yet because it costs too much to license and he wants to wait for increased market penetration. He also says he isn't putting HDMI in laptops either. Do you think HDMI is in trouble as well?

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



What's the "ouch"?

Blu-Ray hasn't taken off, so they're not putting it into the computers right now. Why put BD players into there if it's not standard yet? Waste of money if people don't need it, or don't use it, as it'd raise the price from the already huge price on their lappies anyway.

I fail to see the "ouch".

Please explain the "ouch" part to me?

I see someone who is trying to push a laptop, by not selling it at a high cost.

I wouldnt worry sony fans. Aplle macs be it Laptops or desktops on a whole only account for 7% of the computer market. Personal PC and Windows has the rest. Of which you can buy BR drives.

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FishyJoe said:
Imperial said:

Well there's obviously some issues in relation to the lisencing of the Blu-ray technology , evident in the fact that the number of people allowed to manufacture a Blu-Ray player is limited dispite the technology being availible to the mass market for 2 years .


@FisyJoe  "we're waiting till things settle down and Blu-ray takes off in the marketplace"


maybe you should read the whole text and not take it out of context , "we're waiting" and "Blu-Ray takes off" indicates too things , 1 Apple isn't heavily supporting blu-ray at this moment in time likely due to the issues surrounding the lisencing of the technology . 2 Apple has some confidence in blu-ray eventualy taking off as a viable platform.


I'm not going to change your mind whatever I say, but that's an interesting interpretation.

It's the only interpretation I can see. I don't think it's as bad as you make it out to be.


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


selnor said:
I wouldnt worry sony fans. Aplle macs be it Laptops or desktops on a whole only account for 7% of the computer market. Personal PC and Windows has the rest. Of which you can buy BR drives.


Actually, for the retail market it's above 17% according to Apple.

DMeisterJ said:
What's the "ouch"?

Blu-Ray hasn't taken off, so they're not putting it into the computers right now. Why put BD players into there if it's not standard yet? Waste of money if people don't need it, or don't use it, as it'd raise the price from the already huge price on their lappies anyway.

I fail to see the "ouch".

Please explain the "ouch" part to me?

I see someone who is trying to push a laptop, by not selling it at a high cost.


Bag of hurt = ouch. Bad on me for shortening the statement.

FishyJoe said:
selnor said:
I wouldnt worry sony fans. Aplle macs be it Laptops or desktops on a whole only account for 7% of the computer market. Personal PC and Windows has the rest. Of which you can buy BR drives.


Actually, for the retail market it's above 17% according to Apple.

Worldwide marketshare is around 7%.


FishyJoe said:
Imperial said:
How is that a blow to Blu-Ray ,that's well established.


Well if it was something they thought consumers really wanted, wouldn't they include it in their premium product?

And make it even more expensive that the overpriced dirt it already is?


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