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Forums - Sony Discussion - Pure or Motorstorm?

Just wondering what your opinion is between Pure and Motorstorm, because cant decide between them

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Try the Motorstorm demo when it is released. I haven't played pure but it looks good. I played the Motorstorm demo via Qore and it was really good.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



definitely motorstorm 2

just one type of car/buggy for a game (Pure)doesn't cut it in my opinion




Pure = Burnout.
Motorstom 2 = Grand Turismo.

I am not talking about sales here. I just think Pure is just a lot of brainless fun like Burnout but Motorstorm 2 is then more like Grand Turismo, you are going to love the game more after some experience and worked on your skills.

=p Damn you it is a hard question.

After careful observation, I've come to the conclusion that you like making threads.

Very much so.

I've played the demo's of both games. I found Motorstorm 2 to be the better racer by a long shot. Better handling, no auto aim with the vehicles (what's with that?) and a greater sense of speed.

Oh, and the graphics on MS2 are very pretty.


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Seem to be targetting two different groups.

If you like big jumps and tricks but rather simplistic racing than Pure

If you don't care about tricks and just want a good racing title than MS2.


^^^now there are levels in MS2 where you will jump like crazy,,,you will be in the air for like 7-8 seconds.




There are big jumps in MS2, but not the same amount as Pure, and obviously there are no tricks available.

That said, the racing in MS2 just seemed a lot more thought out and exciting to me.


Thanks for opinions so far, I am leaning towards Motorstorm 2 at the moment.

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.