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Forums - Sony Discussion - who thinks that ps3 is the omega console

is it better than xbox 360 or wii get your say and tell us your opions



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the 360 and wii for me


ps3 psp combo 4ever ......and DS
i juss cant get enough of playing classic ps games on remote play !
but i can not wait 4 the games below to come out!!!

omega meaning last?? no, omega meaning cool?? yes


PS3 Trophies

DS: 120,000,000; Wii: 60,000,000; Xbox 360: 38,000,000; PlayStation 3: 34,000,000; PlayStation Portable: 60,000,000

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E


I didn't get the Wii becuse i simply rather play PS2 becuse NO game there appeals me im not a fan of super mario or metroid or link / zelda etc. I never liked those. As for XBOX, Never been a Halo fan dont intend to try and be one either I HAVE Played it on PC just wasnt my thing... Gears i have seen my friend play looks nice.

Then we got the PS3 with its OMEGA : Gran turismo, Metal gear solid, Resistance , Motorstorm, Killzone, LBP, Socom, Infamous ( I WANT IT ) , M.A.G ( I WANT IT TOO NO MATTER FEE ), Home ( I do belive this can be huge id love to walk around meet people like Habbohotel! XD Its going to be a nice add on ) , Uncharted, God of war etc..

And the fact that i don't feel Wii as this generation. ( Not offending or anything ) but im more intrested about the Xbox - PS3 ''war''. Never really cared about Wii / Nintendo good to see they make money though :).

One wise guy said : You get what you pay for XD. And i must agree, i LOVE my PS3 DONT regreat spending 600€ it was TOTALLY worth it! Then ive bought a headset, 2 six axis, going to buy a dual shock.

BTW i have a 60 GB PS3 but ive replaced the 60 HD with 320!!!! ULTIMATE POWAAAH :p

So yes i think its the omega console with all its bonus features its offering that the Wii + Xbox is not. Don't care about the price ( Call me spoiled kid lol :/ )

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Why threads like this get created, I don't know...

Why people participate in threads like this, I don't know...

Why all the threads like this happen to be created by new users, I don't know...

Can we really get off this subject? Really...dude, this entire site is dedicated to this argument. And the argument for the 360. And the argument for the Wii. And the argument for this and that and that and this.

I call this thread trolling.

What is it with the fanboys today...?

As for this gen, my best option is to go for a PS3-Wii-DS combo. That is if I don't fall for the 360's RPG's, there is no other reason for me to get one.

Others may disagree, but they are wrong.

See where I am going with this?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Best HD console in my opinion but Wii is very Fun especially with lots of people.