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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony must drop PS3 pricing for Christmas


- HOME not innovative ? maybe yes, maybe no.

After having complete a lot of achievement, and lot of big score in multiplayer in Halo3, can u have a "Halo like armor" in NXE ???


What if Home allows to have a solid eye after playing completelty MGS4 ?
a special animation because u finished LBP ?

(whatever; it is hard to judge Home since it is not out)

- Xbox360 Xboxlive :

It is so innovative that they are making an update because they fear so much Sony.
They are also innovative because u have to pay, what a great innovation
economic crysis will love this ;)

- Xbox360 INNOVATIVE exclusive :

Hum, let's check best Xbox360 games :

Gear1 => PC
bioshock => PC/PS3
GTA4 => PC/PS3
CoD4 => PS3/PC
Halo3 => PC ?
Fable2 => PC ?
Left for dead => PC (PS3 ?)

MS is not innovative since they dont make games anymore ...

Hopefully, Forza3 will kill Motorstorm2 ...
OH ... not Forza3 this Xmas. ... then no Europe domination too.

See you next gen MS.

Time to Work !

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Much as I dislike Sony, as a games lover I probably will eventually get a PS3.

Im not paying for one at the current price point however.

People go on about value and I agree in one sense that the package is good.

But if you dont watch movies or the movies you watch are something a little more highbrow than the latest "Johnny got wronged and blew some shit up" action thriller from Hollywood then you are in big trouble with Blu.

To my knowledge no Arthouse or Low Budget films which have quite some following have yet been released on Blu....

I hazard a guess that this is down to the crazy productions costs of a Blu Ray disk compared to DVD and the comparative low sale runs these films generate.

To get back on topic a price cut will shift more consoles but I dont believe Sony can afford to cut the price at the moment.

While Sony cant afford to cut the price they have to be content with third place and slow growth in the market.

One things for sure the PS4 will be competitively priced from the get go...

As for my PS3 ownership dreams...My mobile phone contract is up for renewal soon and they are giving PS3's free with an 18 month contract.

Win win for me and Sony... I get a new phone and a PS3....
Sony get a sale for a PS3 months ahead of it actually being unboxed by selling in bulk to the mobile company doing the promotion...

Best yet once Uncharted and LBP have been completed. I have the option of one PS3 for immediate resale.


Microsoft is innovative!

So copying Mii's/home is innovative! Copying Singstar or Buzz is Innovative too!

God, Microsoft is so Innovative!


No, they don't.

Looking at Microsoft's dropping sales in Japan *surprise* and in Others *doubly surprised* post price drop, with every other system posting a gain this week, shows that Sony is in a stable condition.

All Sony needs to do is bundle a game or a movie (TDK comes to mind) with the system.

That would be full of win.

Lips is innovative?

No, copying Sony and their PS2 strategy and library is not innovative one bit. It's only forcing me into a 360, to which I'd prefer a Wii.

if they cut the price they will lose more money , less 1st party games and weaker performance in the next gen.

i want them to cut the price -so i can buy one not to discuss it on VGS lol- but i want thier 1st party games more

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i disagree !!! ps3 is doing juss fine in sales !! i mean look at the 360 and its price drop! its outselling the ps3 by a few 1000 here and there!
thats without ps2
and if u pay atention to games sale ps2+ps3 game sales are on par with 360 ! or even better half the times
i dont think a price cut is ness at the moment

No cuts/only a $50 cut.

BUNDLES, BUNDLES, BUNDLES! especially LBP and MS2 bundles for Europe. Hook 'em while they're young!

With the line up as Socom, LBP, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2 Im satisfied like hell.

We also got the multiplats such as CoD5, Fifa, Pes, Bioshock etc

Then we also got the elite uber games everyone is patiently waiting for! Gran turismo 5, god of war 3, M.A.G ( Well I do :P No matter Fee ) , KILLZONE!!!! ( PLEASHE RELEASE IT SOON! ) , Uncharted 2 ( Anyone heard anything about a prequel ? ) , Infamous ( Once again I do XD ).

If they would put comercials with this + Playstation Home it could raise sales alot atleast thats my view / opinion .

They also need MGS1-2-3 on PS Store as PS1-2 Classics! Although i got them but it was a pain in th ass to get them xD.

Sony's got a perfect lineup ahead and a price drop near beginning of 2009 or even xmas 2008 sure does spicy things up, but they dont HAVE to. Once again my opinion XD

Aldro said:
With the line up as Socom, LBP, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2 Im satisfied like hell.

We also got the multiplats such as CoD5, Fifa, Pes, Bioshock etc

Then we also got the elite uber games everyone is patiently waiting for! Gran turismo 5, god of war 3, M.A.G ( Well I do :P No matter Fee ) , KILLZONE!!!! ( PLEASHE RELEASE IT SOON! ) , Uncharted 2 ( Anyone heard anything about a prequel ? ) , Infamous ( Once again I do XD ).

If they would put comercials with this + Playstation Home it could raise sales alot atleast thats my view / opinion .

They also need MGS1-2-3 on PS Store as PS1-2 Classics! Although i got them but it was a pain in th ass to get them xD.

Sony's got a perfect lineup ahead and a price drop near beginning of 2009 or even xmas 2008 sure does spicy things up, but they dont HAVE to. Once again my opinion XD <3.

If we were to get WKC early '09, I would pass on that lineup, hehe.


It needs to be down to £249.99 in the UK, as ability to play Blu Ray is not a big deal for the majority of gamers, it (Blu Ray) is for those who also have AV equipment such as a surround sound set up, as Sony have stipulated this is a games console first and foremost then to keep sales momentum they have to be price competitive with the 360; heck even a drop to £269.99 would help...