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- HOME not innovative ? maybe yes, maybe no.

After having complete a lot of achievement, and lot of big score in multiplayer in Halo3, can u have a "Halo like armor" in NXE ???


What if Home allows to have a solid eye after playing completelty MGS4 ?
a special animation because u finished LBP ?

(whatever; it is hard to judge Home since it is not out)

- Xbox360 Xboxlive :

It is so innovative that they are making an update because they fear so much Sony.
They are also innovative because u have to pay, what a great innovation
economic crysis will love this ;)

- Xbox360 INNOVATIVE exclusive :

Hum, let's check best Xbox360 games :

Gear1 => PC
bioshock => PC/PS3
GTA4 => PC/PS3
CoD4 => PS3/PC
Halo3 => PC ?
Fable2 => PC ?
Left for dead => PC (PS3 ?)

MS is not innovative since they dont make games anymore ...

Hopefully, Forza3 will kill Motorstorm2 ...
OH ... not Forza3 this Xmas. ... then no Europe domination too.

See you next gen MS.

Time to Work !