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Much as I dislike Sony, as a games lover I probably will eventually get a PS3.

Im not paying for one at the current price point however.

People go on about value and I agree in one sense that the package is good.

But if you dont watch movies or the movies you watch are something a little more highbrow than the latest "Johnny got wronged and blew some shit up" action thriller from Hollywood then you are in big trouble with Blu.

To my knowledge no Arthouse or Low Budget films which have quite some following have yet been released on Blu....

I hazard a guess that this is down to the crazy productions costs of a Blu Ray disk compared to DVD and the comparative low sale runs these films generate.

To get back on topic a price cut will shift more consoles but I dont believe Sony can afford to cut the price at the moment.

While Sony cant afford to cut the price they have to be content with third place and slow growth in the market.

One things for sure the PS4 will be competitively priced from the get go...

As for my PS3 ownership dreams...My mobile phone contract is up for renewal soon and they are giving PS3's free with an 18 month contract.

Win win for me and Sony... I get a new phone and a PS3....
Sony get a sale for a PS3 months ahead of it actually being unboxed by selling in bulk to the mobile company doing the promotion...

Best yet once Uncharted and LBP have been completed. I have the option of one PS3 for immediate resale.