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The Xbox and X360 are known for their shooters.

The biggest audience of shooters is in USA/NA.

Even PS3 shooters are selling better in NA.

Race games are selling better in Europe and GT5 proloque could be a reason why some prefer PS3.

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In all seriousness, I think the top reasons are Red Ring of Death and Blu-Ray.

It could be brand association as some have mentioned, but MS has done a lot to break that brand association with shooters, and I think XIII shattered it, so I think it has less to do with that than RRoD.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Wii appeals to a much broader audience.

I like Bacon said:

Wii appeals to a much broader audience.


Yeah, so true. There is no question why the Wii is in the lead, I guess it's just a question of why the 360 is not selling as well as the PS3.

Edit: I didn't read the original post when I posted in this topic, lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


In comparison as to why the wii is so much better... Too many of the 360 games are available for PC, and play better on the PC.

The wii appeals to casual / non games with titles such as wii fit and wii sports. Not saying there are not people in their 60s who bought a 360, but it's probably 1000 to 1. Wii music is perfect for kids in kindergarten and above. 360 is more for mid teens to 40s. The wii also appeals to both genders compared to the 360 which mainly favors males. (Not exclusively, as a lot of female gamers do like the 360. Most casual female gamers prefer the wii).

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
I like Bacon said:

Wii appeals to a much broader audience.


Yeah, so true. There is no question why the Wii is in the lead, I guess it's just a question of why the 360 is not selling as well as the PS3.

Edit: I didn't read the original post when I posted in this topic, lol.


After the price cuts, it's been selling better then the PS3.  It's a question as to if it can keep that up much longer or not...

Reasons Why the 360 does not outsell the Wii, and the hate in Others Region:
-Microsoft does not care about the consumer.
-Microsoft has a history of going in and distroying things people love.
-Microsoft refuses to innovate in any way.
-Microsoft has a history of faulty products.
-Microsoft often forces consumers to upgrade, and fails to support most older products on newer ones.
-360's image is modled towards the crowds that are ruining society. (Please do not take this out of context. I am a 360 owner and I know not everyone that bought it is a drug dealer, or a gang banger, but that is what most people see the 360 as)
-360 has proven its microsoft worthyness by having major technical issues.
-360 fails to put out any games beyond its core demographic, and any attempt to this point has failed to get away from being unfriedly to csuals.
-Xbox live is a slap to the face due to its fees. (I will never have live as long as it is a fee, and they continue to tak on more and more. Netflix should not be extra on live, nor should Sirius. This is the crap that makes people dislike Microsoft.)
-360 fails to innovate, and offers nothing that the competition has not already done better.
-Wii wins because Nintendo markets the Wii as a frendly device.
-Wii wins because Nintendo makes products that people are suckers for.(Everybody loves Wii sports, Women can't resist a work out device, and parnets belive that kids will get more exercise if they have a Wii, than PS3 or 360)
-Wii wins because people think 360/PS3 are very expensive games only devices.
-Wii wins because it is the hot thing in gaming. What you don't have a Wii?
-Wii wins because people are willing to learn how to play it.(give someone a Gamecube controller and tell them to play Zelda, Metroid, or Mario. They will refuse and say it is to hard. I can't remember all the buttons. There are to many things to keep track of. Give the same person a Wiimote, and all the sudden they look like an idiot. They are rarly even using motion controls, and it is just as hard to understand, but for some reason they will want to learn.)

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Everything else is opinion, but this one is just plain wrong:

-360 fails to put out any games beyond its core demographic, and any attempt to this point has failed to get away from being unfriedly to csuals.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


KBG29 said:
Reasons Why the 360 does not outsell the Wii, and the hate in Others Region:
-Microsoft does not care about the consumer.
-Microsoft has a history of going in and distroying things people love.
-Microsoft refuses to innovate in any way.
-Microsoft has a history of faulty products.
-Microsoft often forces consumers to upgrade, and fails to support most older products on newer ones.
-360's image is modled towards the crowds that are ruining society. (Please do not take this out of context. I am a 360 owner and I know not everyone that bought it is a drug dealer, or a gang banger, but that is what most people see the 360 as)
-360 has proven its microsoft worthyness by having major technical issues.
-360 fails to put out any games beyond its core demographic, and any attempt to this point has failed to get away from being unfriedly to csuals.
-Xbox live is a slap to the face due to its fees. (I will never have live as long as it is a fee, and they continue to tak on more and more. Netflix should not be extra on live, nor should Sirius. This is the crap that makes people dislike Microsoft.)
-360 fails to innovate, and offers nothing that the competition has not already done better.
-Wii wins because Nintendo markets the Wii as a frendly device.
-Wii wins because Nintendo makes products that people are suckers for.(Everybody loves Wii sports, Women can't resist a work out device, and parnets belive that kids will get more exercise if they have a Wii, than PS3 or 360)
-Wii wins because people think 360/PS3 are very expensive games only devices.
-Wii wins because it is the hot thing in gaming. What you don't have a Wii?
-Wii wins because people are willing to learn how to play it.(give someone a Gamecube controller and tell them to play Zelda, Metroid, or Mario. They will refuse and say it is to hard. I can't remember all the buttons. There are to many things to keep track of. Give the same person a Wiimote, and all the sudden they look like an idiot. They are rarly even using motion controls, and it is just as hard to understand, but for some reason they will want to learn.)


Let me sum that up,mIcrO$oft i$ Pure eV1l,SONY has NEVER DONE anything wrong,SONY is GOD!


"1-Microsoft does not care about the consumer.
2-Microsoft has a history of going in and distroying things people love.
3-Microsoft refuses to innovate in any way.
4-Microsoft has a history of faulty products.
5-Microsoft often forces consumers to upgrade, and fails to support most older products on newer ones.
6-360's image is modled towards the crowds that are ruining society. (Please do not take this out of context. I am a 360 owner and I know not everyone that bought it is a drug dealer, or a gang banger, but that is what most people see the 360 as)
7-360 has proven its microsoft worthyness by having major technical issues.
8-360 fails to put out any games beyond its core demographic, and any attempt to this point has failed to get away from being unfriedly to csuals."

9-360 fails to innovate, and offers nothing that the competition has not already done better."


1-So offering them CHOICES is bad?


3-Sony does by stealing what Nintendo and MS have already done.

4-So does Sony

5-They dont force you,you have OPTIONS forcing is when someone wants to buy 1 thing and you FORCE them to buy an addon with it,like blueray.


7-Xbox 1 was way better built than PS2,So i guess that can be applied here?


9-Same as #3

@ OP

The 360 has alot of games, but they cant match the quality of Ninty's first party lineup (Metacritics opinion, not mine) nor the diversity of the Wiis offerings