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Forums - Sony Discussion - socom confrontation reviews

can u guys plz show me the reviews for socom confrontation thanks

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I havent been able to find any. Im curious myself with it being released tomorrow.

jankazimierz said:
I havent been able to find any. Im curious myself with it being released tomorrow.



where is the hype ??it's not just exclusive , it's a ps3 exclusive!!!!!!!!!!!!

according to them they are waiting for 4 reviews

First review: 25/10 from Dgc1808

[I have yet to play this game]

4 ≈ One

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According to IGN its getting released 10-14-08 (tomorrow).

I'm expecting very mixed reviews on this one much like warhawk recieved, but probably another .5-1 point higher on average.

Why I think so is because, there's alot of Socom veterans from the PS2 out there that understand what this game is all about, and if one of them happens to have any input on the review of this game they will no doubt score it well - i noticed some of the IGN guys are from reading previews. The game has 'mixed' graphics meaning the environments and lighting engine are very good, but the detail on the characters leaves something to be desired. There were some latency issues in the game as of the last beta patch, which could dock scores as well.

Another reason for the mixed reviews from my reasoning, is that this is a budget title, like Warhawk was - It either comes with a 49.99 headset(supposedly a lot higher quality than the warhawk one) and sells at 59.99, or sells without for 39.99. Some of the reviewers will see it as either a great value, or score as if it were a full priced game.


Dgc1808 said:
First review: 25/10 from Dgc1808

[I have yet to play this game]


it features only online gaming , it can't get high scores, 80% at best -i hope i'm wrong-

This is a fairly large exclusive. I expect decent sales in america if the reviews are positive...not sure how socom games do elsewhere

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

blackstar said:

according to them they are waiting for 4 reviews

They always do. An average score makes only sense, when you have more than one review ;)