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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii Music - off to a slow start in Japan?

wenlan said:

I think it's really unfair to say Hanafuda is wrong "all the time".

He made a lot of good points about what's happening in Japanese gaming market and I think he make a very valuable contribution to this forum because we hear too much crap from people who has no clue about Japan but like to pretend that he knows everything.

Before you attacking a person who live in Japan and can read Japanese commenting about the gaming industry in Japan, why not clam down a little bit and leave the decision of whether you want to absorb this piece of information to yourself. Don't be impulsive and say something that you think is smart but may make you look extremely stupid in the future. I still remember a mod who used to talk trash about the PSP on the weekly basis every time the new Japan sale data were posted before the launch of PSP-2000 and MHP-2G. That was a funny experience.


seeing your sig truly convinced me to believe your unbiased words..and eat my words...not


you're a true sony fanboy if you can't see that Hanafuda is wrong..

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deathcape said:


seeing your sig truly convinced me to believe your unbiased words..and eat my words...not


you're a true sony fanboy if you can't see that Hanafuda is wrong..

I can say the same thing about you, you know.

Accuse anyone who doesn't agree with you a fanboy doesn't make you sound more right.


It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

I didn't say agree with me..Wenlan

what makes you think wiiMusic will bomb?

everyone thought it about wiisports, wiiplay, wiifit, and now wiimusic

you all expect them to bomb..they all succeed..

and you're telling me..that suddnely..Wiimusic will bomb..right?

you make no sense..if you attempted to use your brain we woultn' t be having this discussion..

or...if you weren't as biased...

The Source also points out that Wii Fit pre orders wre nothing to write home about

nor for that matter were Japanese first week sales for Wii Fit (250 000)

Hmm, has Wii Fit still sold more than the PS3?

Wii Music will do fine

The wonderful thing about this forum is that all the information is at your finger tips, the OP regards software X as a bomb based on it's relation to software Y when given proper use of the information on this site, you see that Y had a similar pre-release stigma around it as well as a on release slump which resulted in to post release epoc of sorts. So here's my attempt to end the thread... though it ended very well on the 1st page.

The more hate this game in it's condition recieves means and unlike many other games that this game (Wii Music) will sell a lot. The skepticism comes from people knowing that this game represents a change in the direction of their path and as such they have two responses; either love or hate. In turn they hate because their is enough human backing to cause this change (It's in thier minds).

To translate: The more hate people have for this game the more people out there that will love this game.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

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I will get Wiimusic in spite of all the haters: wanted RB2..but will cost too much..Wiimusic will work better can get my family to with Miis..and actually play music..and not some damned rythm..

Woah damn what happened to this thread ?

How did the OP result in such a meltdown of dissing/bashing hanafuda? He just said that indicators point to a "slow" start in Japan (I guess that means between 150k and 250k first week), not "yay the damned Wii Music won't sell in Japan" or something like that.

He made some unpopular predictions in the past with one ending up wrong, but predictions are just predictions and not personal attacks on you/your favorite console(s)/your favorite company (especially because in my opinion he didn't formulate his in an offending way).

FishyJoe said:

Hanafuda also said that Wii Fit would sell less than 500k in Japan. Not only that, he said that Wii Fit would have no legs.

I guess even a broken clock could be right twice a day.

Er, no I didn't. 

I said this:

'To be honest, I think it is going to struggle to reach 500,000 by the end of the year.'.

I said I didn't think it was going to sell more than a million in Japan.

I was wrong.  I'm terribly sorry.

You, however, didn't make any prediction, and just sat on the fence.  I guess you can't be wrong if you don't even try.

In fact, very few people actually did estimate any figures, and most of those that did got it wrong too.

Furthermore, I was just about the only person that went out on a limb about Monster Hunter Portable 2 G's first week sales in Japan, and was absolutely right on the money.  However, that thread seemed to get locked with no explanation at all...


I found the thread.

Yeah, I got it right, and some big names got it wrong.

Some you win, some you lose.


Thanks Wenlan




PSN - hanafuda

tabsina said:

deja vu


Oh man that made me laugh really hard, hanafuda ended up with egg on his face for that thread, really people never learn.  I might look at Wii Music just to see if there is anything really to it but I won't buy it I got too much stuff for 2009 I need to save up for.  Wii 2009 will be the best year for the system.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000


Not everyone who comes to the site comes to make guess work of what some piece of software will sell.

The way you present your predictions is flawed and I hope this example is relative.

In 2nd grade I remember getting my hand slapped with a ruler every time I would answer a math question albeit correct without showing how I came to the solution.

3/789 = 263 (Means I would probably be receiving a licking or two.)

3/789 => 789 - 600 => 189 - 180 => 9 - 90 => 0 the quotient being 263.

I’ve seen well put together estimates before, that’s why I believe I can say the above.

Now if you want to straw man me like you did the others then feel free.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D