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FishyJoe said:

Hanafuda also said that Wii Fit would sell less than 500k in Japan. Not only that, he said that Wii Fit would have no legs.

I guess even a broken clock could be right twice a day.

Er, no I didn't. 

I said this:

'To be honest, I think it is going to struggle to reach 500,000 by the end of the year.'.

I said I didn't think it was going to sell more than a million in Japan.

I was wrong.  I'm terribly sorry.

You, however, didn't make any prediction, and just sat on the fence.  I guess you can't be wrong if you don't even try.

In fact, very few people actually did estimate any figures, and most of those that did got it wrong too.

Furthermore, I was just about the only person that went out on a limb about Monster Hunter Portable 2 G's first week sales in Japan, and was absolutely right on the money.  However, that thread seemed to get locked with no explanation at all...


I found the thread.

Yeah, I got it right, and some big names got it wrong.

Some you win, some you lose.


Thanks Wenlan




PSN - hanafuda