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The wonderful thing about this forum is that all the information is at your finger tips, the OP regards software X as a bomb based on it's relation to software Y when given proper use of the information on this site, you see that Y had a similar pre-release stigma around it as well as a on release slump which resulted in to post release epoc of sorts. So here's my attempt to end the thread... though it ended very well on the 1st page.

The more hate this game in it's condition recieves means and unlike many other games that this game (Wii Music) will sell a lot. The skepticism comes from people knowing that this game represents a change in the direction of their path and as such they have two responses; either love or hate. In turn they hate because their is enough human backing to cause this change (It's in thier minds).

To translate: The more hate people have for this game the more people out there that will love this game.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D