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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If it weren't for Wii, I wouldn't own a console this gen.

FryMyArse said:
frybread said:

blah blah blah blah blah

Keep talking about how bad PC is while I have access to all the best PS360 games on it, and unless I want to play those games in lower resolution, with worse framerates and less detail, PS360 offers nothing to me.


720p? No thanks, I'll stick with 1200p.

PC Gaming is growing by leaps and bounds over the HD consoles, which are losing their companies money. If anything is dying, it's "hardcore" gaming.

As long as you don't mind waiting for those games, as long as six months after their primary release on console, then have at it. You'll be playing GTAIV long after I've beat the game...twice. But hey, if you prefer sloppy seconds, then you'll get them.

You can SAY that it's growing by leaps and bounds. You can hope and pray and screw your eyes shut and wish it to be so, but it is not.

Console gaming is what's driving the industry now, and PC gaming has pretty much been relegated to stay at home Moms playing pinochle while the kids are at school. If anything, you pure PC gamers have become "hardcore"...the same segment that Nintendo has abandoned. Kind of a paradox, isn't it?



Besides the childishness of FryMyArse's response, he does have a point.  A lot of the games that are ported over from consoles are done a few months after their primary release.  I will note, however, that a newly released game for consoles typically run 60$, while the most a computer game will cost is 50$ (and look better).  However, I have seen ported games come out for even less than that.  Personally, I don't buy a game until it drops in price because I value my hard earned money to spend 50-60$ on it.  Besides the point I have a ton of games and quite a few I haven't beaten yet.  So I really don't have any need to be buying games when they come out and are at max price.

As for the number of games being released for PC.  If you think they are lacking, you should take a closer look at what there is to offer.  Note that a lot of people who say that PC sales are down only look at the retail stores and how bad PC sales are doing there.  That's because a lot of people have started using buy & download services like steam and direct-to-drive.

I wouldn't say there are no hardcore offerings on the Wii.  I'm not going to argue that point because it will just provoke a lot of pointless fanboyish bantering (not talking about FryMyArse in particular).  However, if Wii is not hardcore, it would make sense for PC gamers to get it.  They already have their "Hardcore" PC offerings; why would they buy an XBOX 360 or PS3 to get what they already have.  Instead, I think most PC gamers would spend the money upgrading their PC.  The Wii, however, offers something different.  The motion controls work well with developers who know how to use it (i would note madden, resident evil 4, metroid prime 3, no more heroes, okami, legend of zelda as just a few examples).


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If it weren't for Wii, console gaming would be dying the death it deserves.

Look at the numbers, without Wii, this gen would be the worst selling generation since the 3rd. Neither of the old-fashioned consoles are on track to match PS2's sales, even if combined.


That's probably why nearly all games designed for PS360 are being ported to the PC, there's just not a big enough userbase otherwise.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

frybread said:

If it weren't for Wii, console gaming would be dying the death it deserves.

Look at the numbers, without Wii, this gen would be the worst selling generation since the 3rd. Neither of the old-fashioned consoles are on track to match PS2's sales, even if combined.


That's probably why nearly all games designed for PS360 are being ported to the PC, there's just not a big enough userbase otherwise.


Without the Wii, console gaming would still be fine.  The PS2 was a juggernaut of a console with little or no competition, comparing today's console market with the market from 2000-2005 is like comparing apples and dump trucks.

Handhelds, glorified handhelds (like the Wii), and a closer competition between Microsoft and Sony have contributed to today's console landscape...the gaming industry continues to grow at a record pace, and it's not because of PC gaming.

It's an afterthought, whether you want to admit it or not.

Just get in vieogames....... ENJOY them.......whatever is the console....... ps.NOT another 1st person shooter.......!!!!!!

FryMyArse said:


Without the Wii, console gaming would still be fine.

This is why I like vgchartz, when you make a bogus claim about sales people have the tools and research to call you out.  Not only are MS and Sony losing money (Sony likely never to recover, and MS to get a laughable ROI at best) but just look at the numbers.


PS360 sales after 150 weeks:   37M

Last gen sales after 150 weeks:  75M

Without Wii, these are the lowest sales after 150 weeks since the 3rd gen.

Without Wii, the headlines would be predictable:

Console Sales Down

Lowest Console Sales Since the 80's 

Console Gaming Dying?  

The articles would be easy to write.  Signs of the end times for home consoles would be everywhere: the emergence of handhelds, mobile phones, the ubiquity of free internet games, and so on.

While the hardcore kotaku-nerds like to believe that Wii is ruining console gaming, they're forgetting about a bigger enemy: indifference.  You think my preference for Wii is unique, but the numbers tell us that it's quite likely the rest of the world feels the same as I do.  That hardcore games are dying, just like hardcore comic books did in the 90's.


On a side note: while it is flattering that you follow me from site to site, and that you signed up here only to stalk me, I worry about you.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

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frybread said:
FryMyArse said:


Without the Wii, console gaming would still be fine.

This is why I like vgchartz, when you make a bogus claim about sales people have the tools and research to call you out.  Not only are MS and Sony losing money (Sony likely never to recover, and MS to get a laughable ROI at best) but just look at the numbers.


PS360 sales after 150 weeks:   37M

Last gen sales after 150 weeks:  75M

Without Wii, these are the lowest sales after 150 weeks since the 3rd gen.

Without Wii, the headlines would be predictable:

Console Sales Down

Lowest Console Sales Since the 80's 

Console Gaming Dying?  

The articles would be easy to write.  Signs of the end times for home consoles would be everywhere: the emergence of handhelds, mobile phones, the ubiquity of free internet games, and so on.

While the hardcore kotaku-nerds like to believe that Wii is ruining console gaming, they're forgetting about a bigger enemy: indifference.  You think my preference for Wii is unique, but the numbers tell us that it's quite likely the rest of the world feels the same as I do.  That hardcore games are dying, just like hardcore comic books did in the 90's.


On a side note: while it is flattering that you follow me from site to site, and that you signed up here only to stalk me, I worry about you.

So without the Wii, the other console numbers would remain the same?  So without Honda, does that mean the millions that buy Honda cars would decide to walk instead?  Your logic, as usual, is faulty.

Hardcore gaming (aka PC gaming) is indeed dying.  I'm glad you finally can admit that.


FryMyArse said:

As long as you don't mind waiting for those games, as long as six months after their primary release on console, then have at it.  You'll be playing GTAIV long after I've beat the game...twice.  But hey, if you prefer sloppy seconds, then you'll get them.


Are people so impatient that they can't wait a few months to play a game that will be on PC for sure and spend a lot to buy a console? I find it silly. If someone wants a game that will be on PC for sure but will come out later, it's much better to wait...

you guys will miss out resident evil 5 though :/ and FF13
games that were in the market leader before and are gems this generation

and no if the wii didn't exist those sell would probably split up between sony and m$.


FryMyArse said:

So without the Wii, the other console numbers would remain the same?  So without Honda, does that mean the millions that buy Honda cars would decide to walk instead?  Your logic, as usual, is faulty.



You just admitted that gamers are buying Wii, rather than ill-informed "aunts and uncles" as you contested before.

You're backed into a corner.  Either you admit gamers love Wii, or that gamers are no longer buying consoles and the expanded market loves Wii. You've tried spouting both as fact, it's time you pick one and stick to it.



PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

FryMyArse said:

So without the Wii, the other console numbers would remain the same?  So without Honda, does that mean the millions that buy Honda cars would decide to walk instead?  Your logic, as usual, is faulty.

Hardcore gaming (aka PC gaming) is indeed dying.  I'm glad you finally can admit that.


Comparisons are nice, but when done using your brain not ass. Those millions that would buy Honda will get a 99% similar car instead. Guess what, theres no other console similar with the Wii. Of course, many would still get another console, but not more than half I'd say.