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frybread said:
FryMyArse said:


Without the Wii, console gaming would still be fine.

This is why I like vgchartz, when you make a bogus claim about sales people have the tools and research to call you out.  Not only are MS and Sony losing money (Sony likely never to recover, and MS to get a laughable ROI at best) but just look at the numbers.


PS360 sales after 150 weeks:   37M

Last gen sales after 150 weeks:  75M

Without Wii, these are the lowest sales after 150 weeks since the 3rd gen.

Without Wii, the headlines would be predictable:

Console Sales Down

Lowest Console Sales Since the 80's 

Console Gaming Dying?  

The articles would be easy to write.  Signs of the end times for home consoles would be everywhere: the emergence of handhelds, mobile phones, the ubiquity of free internet games, and so on.

While the hardcore kotaku-nerds like to believe that Wii is ruining console gaming, they're forgetting about a bigger enemy: indifference.  You think my preference for Wii is unique, but the numbers tell us that it's quite likely the rest of the world feels the same as I do.  That hardcore games are dying, just like hardcore comic books did in the 90's.


On a side note: while it is flattering that you follow me from site to site, and that you signed up here only to stalk me, I worry about you.

So without the Wii, the other console numbers would remain the same?  So without Honda, does that mean the millions that buy Honda cars would decide to walk instead?  Your logic, as usual, is faulty.

Hardcore gaming (aka PC gaming) is indeed dying.  I'm glad you finally can admit that.