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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - THATS IT, i am selling my wii.

is this thing still on? lol

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How did this make it to 4 pages?


Mummelmann said:

Lol, another one of these threads. A guy says he wants to sell his Wii and *presto* gets four pages of folks trying to talk him out of it and ranting about all the fantastic games he's missing out on.
He has made up his mind and just wanted advise on pricing etc, and besides Oyvoyvoyv I don't see anyone else actually offering a helping hand.
"I like these games that will (eventually) come out, how can you not?" seems to be the prevalent logic in here and I just don't get it.
It seems that people really can't handle anyone not loving the Wii for some reason, even though it is glaringly obvious that it doesn't have the appeal to entice everyone in the world.

@OP: Like Soriku said; sell it to someone who wants it, he's happy, you're happy and this thread can shut down before these poor sods have a fit.

I sometimes wonder if we read the same threads, Mummelmann. I suspect not. It appears you're one of those people who only sees what he wants to see. "Don't let the door hit you on your way out" seems to be the prevailing posts, followed by "and you expect us to care...why?" "Don't do it because of X"? That one's kinda trailing, buddy.

Wait, why am I even bothering with you?

Edit: AND I bumped the thread. I'm a bad person...maybe I should start looking at timestamps before posting from now on.

the price is about right, so i say go with that price. and if u get a 360, get lost odyssey like u said about, its such a great rpg.





The OP should go to this forums and tell that people how cool is to be gay! . If he have guts to do that he should be awarded the Golden Trolling "Post" button.


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lol he edits his post hours later to seem like he was asking if the price was ok

vdoesntforgive said:
How did this make it to 4 pages?


been wondering about all day long my thread generally are only 4 pages at most o

Jo21 said:
vdoesntforgive said:
How did this make it to 4 pages?


been wondering about all day long my thread generally are only 4 pages at most o

Too bad that all the pages are filled with insults address to you :D


darthdevidem01 said:
But thank you nintend for SMG & SSBB......two fantastic games.

Unless you announce Donkey Kong Country 3 or Pilotwings I will have to leave wii


You're about 3 gens too late to the party.

Love it when people with a bias totally miss a game they're supposed to really want lulz.  It's obvious when someone is just blowing smoke when they "like" a console or game that would make them look less bias.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
But thank you nintend for SMG & SSBB......two fantastic games.

Unless you announce Donkey Kong Country 3 or Pilotwings I will have to leave wii


You're about 3 gens too late to the party.

Love it when people with a bias totally miss a game they're supposed to really want lulz.  It's obvious when someone is just blowing smoke when they "like" a console or game that would make them look less bias.

Wow.  Darth got served.