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Mummelmann said:

Lol, another one of these threads. A guy says he wants to sell his Wii and *presto* gets four pages of folks trying to talk him out of it and ranting about all the fantastic games he's missing out on.
He has made up his mind and just wanted advise on pricing etc, and besides Oyvoyvoyv I don't see anyone else actually offering a helping hand.
"I like these games that will (eventually) come out, how can you not?" seems to be the prevalent logic in here and I just don't get it.
It seems that people really can't handle anyone not loving the Wii for some reason, even though it is glaringly obvious that it doesn't have the appeal to entice everyone in the world.

@OP: Like Soriku said; sell it to someone who wants it, he's happy, you're happy and this thread can shut down before these poor sods have a fit.

I sometimes wonder if we read the same threads, Mummelmann. I suspect not. It appears you're one of those people who only sees what he wants to see. "Don't let the door hit you on your way out" seems to be the prevailing posts, followed by "and you expect us to care...why?" "Don't do it because of X"? That one's kinda trailing, buddy.

Wait, why am I even bothering with you?

Edit: AND I bumped the thread. I'm a bad person...maybe I should start looking at timestamps before posting from now on.