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Forums - General Discussion - It's my 18th birthday today!

Happy Birthday. Yet another Libra. We are Legion.

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you can't drink 18 but you can hold a gun?


Happy birthday!!! =D

Turning 18 really doesn't mean anything. I don't even consider 18 to be an adult. 21 for that.

I can't wait until I turn 21, I declare that on that day I shall drink....... a lot of chocloate milk! As I will never drink alcohol.

happy b day only 3 years before you can get legally waisted =)

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zexen_lowe said:

Happy birthday! Enjoy being of legal age. I still don't understand why in the US they don't let people under 21 drink, here in my country it's only under 18


 because alot of people in America are irresponsible pricks.  drunk driving, crashes, damage property, people dying, DUIs, WAAAAAYYYY TOO MUCH of that happens here.

happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!