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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do graphics add gameplay?

d21lewis said:
They definitely add atmosphere. That definitely enhances the experience. I enjoyed Final Fantasy VII, but I think I would've enjoyed it a lot less if I wasn't constantly saying "Holy shit, that was awesome!" during the cinemas and such. I find it impossible to play now.

Question: Do you consider things like multiple enemies onscreen (ie: Dead Rising) or destructable environments (ie: Red Faction or Mercenaries) graphical enhancements? If so, graphics do add gameplay.


I don't think those would fall under graphics, so much as under mechanics of a game. The graphicas would be just the polygons and all the special effects they have out right now to make a game look good. If you add those to graphics you'd have to add physics,per-pixel hit detection, AI, etc. and those just arn't graphics.

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Graphics add to gameplay in maybe 10 games in industry history (Okami being the most recent example). None of these games try for generic photorealism.

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What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Depends on the jump in technology. The early era were extremely limited in what you could do. The jump from 2D to 3D was monumental. Since then though we have not really seen a graphics upgrade that is vital. The move from PS1/N64 to PS2/GC/Xbox was just a smoothing out of graphics. Rather than adding new gameplay elements we are seeing old ones being refined and made to look better. We are at a stage wehere new gameplay mechanics will not come from simply adding more graphical power to a system. We need new and more inventive concepts of how a game can be done rather than how a game can be pretty.

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Graphics and gameplay are two totally different entities. A game can look visually beautiful and play like crap, and a game can look poor but actually be a lot of fun.

Yes, graphics matter tons.

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DMeisterJ said:
Yes, graphics matter tons.

but it doesn't have anything to do with gameplay


bardicverse said:
DMeisterJ said:
Yes, graphics matter tons.

but it doesn't have anything to do with gameplay

I think it does.

Millennium said:
Graphics add to gameplay in maybe 10 games in industry history (Okami being the most recent example). None of these games try for generic photorealism.

Could you please elaborate on how Okami does so.  I don't intend to belittle the game at all because I loved it to death.  However I'm not sure how it's graphics really adds to the gameplay unless you're talking about how the art style matches the story so well and creates and unprecidented level of immersion.

I wouldn't mind hearing what the other 9 are as well.


DMeisterJ said:
bardicverse said:
DMeisterJ said:
Yes, graphics matter tons.

but it doesn't have anything to do with gameplay

I think it does.

LOL Im telling you, as a dev, they are totally different elements taken care of two entirely different departments on a dev team.

For example - Lets say you're pushing a block to trigger a switch ( a la your average adventure game). No matter what the block looks like - whether a standard box or a very elaborate piece of a ruin, the object will react the same way to the switch via the coding. Graphics and gameplay are on entirely different tracks. It's not an opinion thing, its a fact of the way things are.

As someone said before, about FF7, the cutscenes and their "ooo" factor are pretty visuals, nothing more that actually enhances the gameplay or its mechanics. I'd even counter that to say that I hated the cutscenes in FF7 onward, because I felt they interrupted my game time.


yes, i want to see aeris death in HD!.