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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle confirmed for Wii, due out until 2010

2010 is a bit to far away,but I'm still very happy with the announcement.

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Haha as long as it is coming out I could care less. Still good to see its Wii exclusive. Was wondering why anyone was suggesting otherwise. Suda had said anyways if a sequel was to be made he would be doing it on Wii.

Really glad those rumors about it being on the DS weren't true and I'm really looking forward to playing this.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Video of announcement.

Spanx said:

I thought EVERY announcement tu a Nintendo platform would only be revealed when it takes LESS than a year to came out start counting on the revealing day.
I would prefer to know about NMH2 by mid 2009. Now I have to remember everyday that it will take long to NMH2 came out.

Don't worry.  Wii owners will have a lot to play between now and NMH2 launch.

Anyways, so glad this is confirmed for Wii!  You have to be sure in this day and age...  just ask any PS3 owner.


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By 2010 the wii will have by far better games that no more heroes.

ramuji said:
11ht11 said:

it will probably be released there later, cause of the low opening sales


Later is fine, I just want the (relatively) assuring announcement of a release date.


Sort of like the US still without a Disaster release date? ;)

well at least it gives me time to pick up the first one... i been meaning to play it for the last 3 months!

and ye way too many games coming out next year, so maybe its a good thing.

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2009 is going to be epic anyway,i want 2010 to be even better. :P

It will give them more time to polish it up.