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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tekken 6. Is no longer a exclusive

MontanaHatchet said:
The next person to post a copy and pasted 4chan picture is going to be warned, and if they do it again, banned. They're not funny and they're just a form of trolling. I repeat, they're not funny. You're not funny, nor are you clever.

Don't post these stupid pictures.

I feel kind of dumb for asking but what are 4chan pictures??

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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mrjuju said:
Just as a question, since I really don't pay a whole lot of attention to the Sony/Microsoft side of things, but wasn't this kind of anticipated? I mean most games are going multiplat anyway, I just kind of figured most people thought that this one would too.

I don't think it really was, Tekken6 is already being played on (PS3 arcade units?) people just assumed it was going to come to PS3 soon and exclusive.  But now the game is multi plat and coming out in one year.


good news for xbox360 owners, good news for gamers, now more people can enjoy the game, i don't see how this could be bad news.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
EaglesEye379 said:

I have no desire at all to get into an argument on definitions or perceptions here, but lets just say no one (not even widespread game journalism) expected SO4 to be 360 exclusive.

And admittedly Tekken 6 being multiplat is on a smaller scale perhaps because some people DID expect it, but overall, its a franchise that always did stay true to Sony, so it will still turn alot of heads.


You're right, it was a very shocking annoucement that SO:TLH is only for the 360 and nobody seriously would have guessed that. But megaton to me, and I don't think I'm alone, implies that a game sells at the very least 5M and could be a key part in deciding the outcome of a Console War.

To me, SO:TLH does not fill either of those

Looks like M$ Can't have a decent fighting Game themselves w/o MoneHatting

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gebx said:
MontanaHatchet said:
The next person to post a copy and pasted 4chan picture is going to be warned, and if they do it again, banned. They're not funny and they're just a form of trolling. I repeat, they're not funny. You're not funny, nor are you clever.

Don't post these stupid pictures.


I feel kind of dumb for asking but what are 4chan pictures??

I believe they're commonly referred to as Demotivator Posters, but I was too full of rage to care.




ok , i know that this was anticipated and it's good for every gamer
but SONY is BAD here , there are some people out there that considered buying a ps3 for tekken AND THE PS3 BECAME a better choice just for this game

But Sony japan has totally given up from the start this gen and they show no plans to ever fix the problems. Sonys biggest exclusive last gen is not even coming out until late 2010 or 2011 based off reports from the head of PD.

F**ck I Don't Care anymore about Exclusives. Hell if EVERY SINGLE game was Multiplat i'd still buy a PS3. Sony better Have some Good showing a TGS Tomorrow. Sales Need to Pick up Pronto.

... I'll wait for an official announcement.

4 ≈ One