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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tekken 6. Is no longer a exclusive

Tekken 6 will be better than both VF 5 and SC 4. For the best experience of Tekken 6, invest in an Arcade fighting controller

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This is huge albeit not as huge as FFXIII but still huge. MS is trying win and $ONY doesn't care. I doubt they moneyhatted for tekken.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
On the OP, yeah, I'm really glad when any game goes multiplat. The more people that can play a good game, the better. I'm a fan of gamers before any company, and all games being multiplat would be a great day, imo.

Very transparent since you nornally single out SONY when given the oppotunity from your past posts.  You're only saying this because it was once a PlayStation exclusive that's going to another console.  If it were the other way around, you would not be saying this.  Your post history is very telling of your self-righteousness.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Jordahn said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
On the OP, yeah, I'm really glad when any game goes multiplat. The more people that can play a good game, the better. I'm a fan of gamers before any company, and all games being multiplat would be a great day, imo.

Very transparent since you nornally single out SONY when given the oppotunity from your past posts.  You're only saying this because it was once a PlayStation exclusive that's going to another console.  If it were the other way around, you would not be saying this.  Your post history is very telling of your self-righteousness.


Well in reality I don't think hes had chance to talk about lost XBox exclusives that has become multiplat and released simultaneously because I can't even think of one myself. Correct me if i am wrong. Either MS are smart in keeping 3-rd party exclusives or I am wrong.


OT: I think this signals 360's dominance in the fighting genre which is astonishing considering PS2 had the tekken series, soul caliber 3, and VF series, Smackdown series and now all are multiplat and some even better on the 360. Now 360 has DOA 2 which makes it have a better fighting lineup.

spidey_77 said:

Well in reality I don't think hes had chance to talk about lost XBox exclusives that has become multiplat and released simultaneously because I can't even think of one myself. Correct me if i am wrong. Either MS are smart in keeping 3-rd party exclusives or I am wrong.

You're missing the point.  As a gamer for over three decades, I'm sick and tired of blatant arrogant fanboys who try to pass themselves off as reasonable/righteous.  When news such as this comes around, they hide behind the guise of multi-platform = good when it only favors their console of choice and they have obviously constantly singled out the competiting console in past posts. It gives gaming a bad name, and it feuls the petty console wars which are pathetic to begin with.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

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tekken is old shit anyway:) also i think everybody knew this was coming.

Jordahn said:
spidey_77 said:

Well in reality I don't think hes had chance to talk about lost XBox exclusives that has become multiplat and released simultaneously because I can't even think of one myself. Correct me if i am wrong. Either MS are smart in keeping 3-rd party exclusives or I am wrong.

You're missing the point.  As a gamer for over three decades, I'm sick and tired of blatant arrogant fanboys who try to pass themselves off as reasonable/righteous.  When news such as this comes around, they hide behind the guise of multi-platform = good when it only favors their console of choice and they have obviously constantly singled out the competiting console in past posts. It gives gaming a bad name, and it feuls the petty console wars which are pathetic to begin with.

You're wrong. I've been an advocate of a one console system, for several months, and I've always said that I would be just as happy with Gears 2 going multiplat as if the 360 got Tekken. I can't recall with whom that argument took place, but I recently stated that I wish all games would go multiplat. Yes, even Wii and 360 games.

If you're going to imply that I'm a blatant evil fanboy just pretending to be reasonable, then consider this:

I don't like the PS3. I do like the Wii and the 360. I've admitted this many times. However, I won't flame the PS3 or the PSP without a fair reason, and I haven't here. The reason I don't like the console is because I owned a PS3 for the first several months of this generation. The console dissapointed me with its lack of jrpgs and loss of exclusives.

Therefore, freely admitting my bias, while at the same time not actually flaming a console, but rather a company and their strategy, doesn't necessarily make me a fanboy, instead it makes me opinionated.

The other reason that I often seem anti-Sony, is the huge recent influx of Sony fanboys contains a large, childlike group of trolls, that make it their sole reason in life to flame and marginalize anything surrounding the Xbox 360, a console with I like.

Read my very first post ever, and see what I wrote there. See if I've ever denied, or lied about my affiliations or biases, unless I was joking.

Now, ask yourself this. How many fanboys on this website are honest about their affiliations? How many actually talk sense, instead of talking points? Have I ever given you or anyone a talking point? Or instead do I use my own reasoning, and deductions? Have I ever lain down an argument against Sony that didn't have at least some sembelance of a point? Do I often flame Sony, or simply the mass of easily target trolls that surround the company with their disgusting love? Have I ever owned a fanboy that didn't deserve it? Name me 5 people on this site that don't lean towards liking one platform or another, and I'll name you 5 posters that are very good at hiding their biases.

You call me biased? Duh. However you won't find a more reasonable poster on this forum than me. If I'm wrong I'll admit it.  Why don't you try reasoning with me, instead of throwing around passive-agressive insults.

Yeah, I'm really good at posting on forums. I'm very well versed in communicating my intentions. That's one of my strengths. However, I refuse to be unfair in my assertions, assuming I know they aren't fair. I will always listen and respond to your arguments, assuming I cross paths with them, and if I'm wrong then I'll admit it. Name me another "fanboy" who can do that, and I'll be proud to call myself one. I'll never say "X game sucks" if I don't think it's true, just because it's on another console, and most importantly, I'll never lie to myself, or convince myself that a game sucks, just because it's on another console. That's where fanboys falter every time. They are true believers. They keep no sembelance of objectivism. My objectivism, however, is working just fine. If you disagree with me, then I'll run your argument past my objectivism and let you know what he thinks.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Geuss I was wrong about Tekken 6 staying exclusive. It still baffles me how this is even possible when Sony pays for all of Namco's arcade machines. How can they just take away an exclusivity deal again? I swear to GOD this damn game better be coming with something extra for the PS3.

This generation of gaming has pissed me off beyond belief. It makes no sense for a superior system, with more features, fair and actually better price tag, and actually does something to make games become better versions of themeselves should be being treated like this this gen. What happened to the good days when a developer would be aiming for making a perfect game and not how can I make the most money possible? This generation has been one disappointment after another.
-DMC 4 going MP
-FFXIII going MP
-Now Tekken going MP
all becuz MS shells out a few bills to these developers. Sony gives them the chance to make an extraordinary game with their bluray and cell technology, yet MS keeps holding them back by stealing them away. This is obviously MS's plan. They keep buying off Sony exclusives to hinder the PS3 from ever reaching full potential. THis must have been the reason MS closed down all those 1st party studios, so they can shell out more cash for Sony exclusives. Every gen Sony tries to step up the bar on how their system can improve gaming. MS's whole goal is just how can they screw up Sony's plan.
Because MS has feared the inevitable ascension of Sony. Years ago Sony set out to create the ultimate entertainment hub. The PS3 is basically that dream coming to fruition, this is why MS is pulling no punches whatsoever. They will do what ever they can in their power to keep Sony from succeeding this gen becuz they fear Sony's onslaught on the PC market. To copyrighting of features in their system that are just retarded, to having random companies suing them left and right to keep them in financial troubles, to sacrificing the quality of their own product to simply get to market first.

THese companies are the worst though. SE has been the biggest let down, then Namco. These are companies with the LARGEST fanbase on Playstation and they simply abandon them for a little bit of pocket money from MS. SE has made said they wanted to be even this gen but that was a joke. SE has given MS SO4(a PS favorite) exclusive, Infinite Undiscover exclusive(even though it was mediocre), and FFXIII( a game that was the most important to Sony's ascension) as MP. Only thing PS fans get from Square is FFvXIII exclusive and the notion that we should be grateful for that. Fuck THEM! Namco gave away Katamari to 360 EXCLUSIVE and it BOMBED!!!! MS already has an exclusive fighter known as DOA which doesn't hold a candle to Tekken, and MS STILL gets Tekken. Have these companies no shame? Yes, these companies are out to make a profit but at what cost? The fanbase that made them what they are? The company that helped them make it in the first place? The quality of the game? The PS3 and 360 are only 5 million apart in sales, that is not enough to justify the spin of the market in present. The only answer is the good ol MS bank.

Yes, I take this kind of stuff personally and very seriously. I am a Game developer in the making and the thought of what this gaming gen has come sickens me. When I finally get to putting my games and gaming ideas out there I will never sell out for money. For me it is not about that. I am all about making the best game possible, making a game that people can enjoy, while utilizing all the resources at hand. I want to make a piece of art, and that cannot be done by spreading the paint(thin) thin so it covers more canvas(userbase). I have always believed in the notion you create a quality product and the fans will come to you. Hense the reason I love the Sony PS3.

Uhg! I am out.....




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

ZenfoldorVGI said:

You're wrong. I've been an advocate of a one console system...


As noble as you've tried to come off as, this past thread really took the cake...

...where you purposely singled out SONY, and when confronted with the reality of the stuation, you tried taking things out of context because you cannot succcessful counter the realiity presented. This is typical of you.  You're blinded by your self-righteous. Have a good night

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Wasn't suprised at all.

And to the people who think PS3 is screwed because of this, give me a break!