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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MS and think these could be announced at TGS?

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1) FFXIII also announced for the 360 in Japan, AND FF vs XIII also going multiplatform

FFXIII in Japan is unlikely. They've stated it's a PS3 exclusive in Japan and they have no good reason to do otherwise as the PS3's install base is a lot bigger in Japan. Besides, they might have to delay the PS3 version if they wanted to release them simultaneously. If not, the X360 version would probably sell a lot worse than the PS3 version. It's possible, though.

Versus is also unlikely to go multiplatform. It might just go later but definitely not now; it would be terrible for what people think about them. They should have announced it at E3 if they were to do it. Otherwise they'll do it later, and even then it's likely to be a timed exclusive to the PS3. Still, even this is possible.

XBLA FFVII won't work, and there's a simple reason for that. If MS won't let id use more DVDs for a cheaper price, why would they let SE exceed the size limit by an enormous amount? Not going to happen unless MS takes a new direction which is probably kinda unlikely. Without the size limit, however, it could be likely to happen.

As for what comes to the MMORPG... SE won't make it a Vista exclusive for a cheap price. And the Xbox Live exclusive... It's not likely either. Console MMORPGs usually aren't exclusives and after paying for XBL, people don't want to pay more for a single game (or at least I think so).

Still, I think the first one (XIII in Japan and/or a 360 version of Versus) is the most likely to happen. Or, rather, least unlikely to happen.

Zkuq said:
1) Versus is also unlikely to go multiplatform. It might just go later but definitely not now; it would be terrible for what people think about them. They should have announced it at E3 if they were to do it. Otherwise they'll do it later, and even then it's likely to be a timed exclusive to the PS3. Still, even this is possible.

Only people who follow these things on the internet would be aware that SE changed their mind and they make up a very small minority of the total market. It would ultimately do little PR harm and wouldn't hurt sales on the PS3. Versus quite simply makes sense on the Xbox 360, particularly given that SE have stated that they want a stronger US presence.


Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall

Awesome or awesomest?

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Zkuq said:
1) FFXIII also announced for the 360 in Japan, AND FF vs XIII also going multiplatform

FFXIII in Japan is unlikely. They've stated it's a PS3 exclusive in Japan and they have no good reason to do otherwise as the PS3's install base is a lot bigger in Japan. Besides, they might have to delay the PS3 version if they wanted to release them simultaneously. If not, the X360 version would probably sell a lot worse than the PS3 version. It's possible, though.

Versus is also unlikely to go multiplatform. It might just go later but definitely not now; it would be terrible for what people think about them. They should have announced it at E3 if they were to do it. Otherwise they'll do it later, and even then it's likely to be a timed exclusive to the PS3. Still, even this is possible.

XBLA FFVII won't work, and there's a simple reason for that. If MS won't let id use more DVDs for a cheaper price, why would they let SE exceed the size limit by an enormous amount? Not going to happen unless MS takes a new direction which is probably kinda unlikely. Without the size limit, however, it could be likely to happen.

As for what comes to the MMORPG... SE won't make it a Vista exclusive for a cheap price. And the Xbox Live exclusive... It's not likely either. Console MMORPGs usually aren't exclusives and after paying for XBL, people don't want to pay more for a single game (or at least I think so).

Still, I think the first one (XIII in Japan and/or a 360 version of Versus) is the most likely to happen. Or, rather, least unlikely to happen.


They've already increased the file size limit once, so if they saw some benefit from releasing a larger game I see no reason why they would not make an exception. 

With that said, I absolutely do not see SE making this move because as someone before me pointed out their strategy has been to rerelease thier games for full price and milk every cent they can get. 

With that mindset, I believe that FFvXIII will probably eventually be multiplat, and X360's in Japan will also see XIII, but not until the rest of the world does too.  XIII will be PS3 exclusive there for at least a year.


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Shadowblind said:

Awesome or awesomest?

We're going to take advantage of our booths being side-by-side, because both the Square Enix and Microsoft booths are working in tandem. This time around, we're putting the greatest importance in getting the largest number of visitors to play our games. At the Microsoft and the Square Enix booths, we're holding a lottery. The winner gets to go to the Square Enix booth and play... You'll have to wait to that day to see what happens. (laughs)

- Xbox Japan marketing exec Jyoji Sakaguchi




Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Everyone know's Sony and SE are tighter bro's than M$ and SE.

does publishing matter anymore? ff8 was also published by sony i think, maybe just in EU.






Get this:

None? And focusing on hyping the games coming out in the near future?

What a novel idea.

Does anyone else get the feeling Microsoft is going to make one last massive play for Japan this generation, and that it's going to happen in the next two days?

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