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1) FFXIII also announced for the 360 in Japan, AND FF vs XIII also going multiplatform

FFXIII in Japan is unlikely. They've stated it's a PS3 exclusive in Japan and they have no good reason to do otherwise as the PS3's install base is a lot bigger in Japan. Besides, they might have to delay the PS3 version if they wanted to release them simultaneously. If not, the X360 version would probably sell a lot worse than the PS3 version. It's possible, though.

Versus is also unlikely to go multiplatform. It might just go later but definitely not now; it would be terrible for what people think about them. They should have announced it at E3 if they were to do it. Otherwise they'll do it later, and even then it's likely to be a timed exclusive to the PS3. Still, even this is possible.

XBLA FFVII won't work, and there's a simple reason for that. If MS won't let id use more DVDs for a cheaper price, why would they let SE exceed the size limit by an enormous amount? Not going to happen unless MS takes a new direction which is probably kinda unlikely. Without the size limit, however, it could be likely to happen.

As for what comes to the MMORPG... SE won't make it a Vista exclusive for a cheap price. And the Xbox Live exclusive... It's not likely either. Console MMORPGs usually aren't exclusives and after paying for XBL, people don't want to pay more for a single game (or at least I think so).

Still, I think the first one (XIII in Japan and/or a 360 version of Versus) is the most likely to happen. Or, rather, least unlikely to happen.