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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I figured out why hardcore gamers "hate" the Wii

I skimmed and noticed a few problems. I shall address all of them.

1) "The Wii is technically inferior and is only outselling the PS360 because it is cheaper." The GameCube was technically superior and cheaper than the PS2, so your logic is stupid and dumb and wrong.

2) "All Nintendo games are sequels." Everybody who says this is a bigot unless they also avoid GTA4, MGS4, Halo 3, CoD4, GT5, DMC4, and all the other shitty sequels that flood the market and always have on every system and always will forever.

3) "HD consoles are more realistic." It's not realistic to wiggle your thumbs around in real life. When have you ever wiggled your thumbs outside of video games? Moving your arms is much more realistic.

4) "I don't like to play with dildos." Nobody PLAYS with dildos. Using dildos is hard work. If you were old enough to use them, you wouldn't have made such a foolish "gaffe."

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its fanboys rol they just not "hate" they wii.

they hate also the ps3 and the 360 too.

tarheel91 said:
BILL COSBY!!! said:
RolStoppable said:

There have been many speculations on the reasons why hardcore gamers hate the Wii without any definite conclusions. After thinking about this issue for a long time I could eliminate several reasons.

1. It can't be important third party games going to the Wii, because they still are all on the HD consoles.
2. It can't be the strong hardware sales, because they don't determine the quality of the system.
3. It can't be the superior online experience of the Wii, simply because it isn't superior.
4. It can't be Nintendo's first party games, because they are the same as they were last generation.
5. It can't be the casualization of gaming, because HD games have been unaffected by this trend.

So why then are hardcore gamers often attacking the Wii, if none of the above could be a reason for it? Well, simply put, the HD consoles share the majority of their game library with each other, so by either attacking the games of the 360 or the PS3, they would be attacking the other console as well, which is usually their system of choice. Therefore they are better off by putting down the Wii which works as a catalyst for the anger they need to express. So the next time you see a hardcore gamer "hating" on the Wii, try to remember why they are doing it. They don't really hate the Wii.

It makes perfect sense.

I'm sorry but this is one of the dumbest explanations I have ever seen. Here's is why I, a hardcore gamer, hate the wii


  • There are no online shooters that really impress me for the system
  • The online service itself is horrid
  • It steals marketshare and therefore developer attention from the consoles and games I actually care about
  • Nintendo makes the same damn games every generation as far as first party support goes
  • I personally don't enjoy flailing around like an idiot in order to accomplish a task in a game, after all, half of what I enjoy about gaming is sitting down to relax and taking my mind off of the bullshit I go through everyday
  • It simply lacks those graphically amazing games due to the system power - and don't try to tell me that graphics don't make a game more fun and immersive


And look, that may have come off as harsh but I'm really not imposing my opinion on anyone. A lot of hardcore gamers would probably agree with the points I made but before this I have never, ever really said anything about the wii. Only now I decided to speak up just in case some people actually listened to the OP's argument. Anyway, most people aren't fanboys. They don't need to take their anger out on anything as Rolstoppable suggested. If you like the wii that's cool, just don't try to convince me otherwise because I have been forced to play the thing with my 7 year-old cousin and my grandma way to many times... I'm not impressed to say the least.


ROFL.  This is like the perfect stereotypical self-proclaimed "hardcore gamer."  Wow, Rol, mission accomplished with this thread.  I think between this and coolestguy's posts we could create a new Wii Bingo board.

Not imposing your view upon anyone?  Your attempt to poison the well certainly makes it come off that way.  You "don't enjoy flailing around like an idiot in order to accomplish a task in game?"  Not only is that an exaggeration, but apparently everyone who likes motion controls is now an idiot.  So anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot?



Cool! You refuted nothing I said. It's good to see we are all on the same page then my friend!


"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"

theprof00 said:

i don't think anyone hates the wii, i think we, me included, are afraid of the direction of gaming. If sony and MS try to be like ninty, who will be like sony and ms?
a lotta people like sony and ms. of course ninty has some great games, nobody is denying that. It is just that there is a trend in world markets to be like the thing that makes the most money. we just don't want all the devs abandoning us.

I just found out that my mom bought a wii 3 months ago and is going to give it to me for xmas. I hope i can scalp it to someone during the xmas rush, but i might play some newer games before i do.


Talk about one-sided blame. If those bigger and better games didn't have a smaller profit margin, developers wouldn't see as much of a risk for them over smaller games. So pretending Nintendo either magically created this new direction, or did something wrong by discovering and pointing it out, is ludicrous.


A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Jo21 said:
its fanboys rol they just not "hate" they wii.

they hate also the ps3 and the 360 too.


Wut?  That's not even English...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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@ MaxwellGT200 )

you can't expect everyone to speak perfect english - I understood what he tried to say, although I'm not a native speaker

@ Rol )

uhm.. the flaws I see with your little hypothesis are:

1. not all "hardcore" users are HD console owners (for instance most Wii owners here are "hardcore")
2. only a minority of "hardcore" users are really attacking the Wii
3. generalizations are stupid

for all I know this might have been just a joke-thread aswell, but I'm too tired to read all the comments

Firstly I should admit to disliking the Wii. I wouldn't say hate. I don't want to hit it. I dislike the Wii because it's inferior graphically (clearly, not like the PS2 was, as the PS2 hardware was used) and I don't like the controller. Because of that, I like the Gamecube much more. I'm sure people are put off a little by the massive number of fanboys, too. Whether you admit it or not, Nintendo fanboys are the worst.

The whole "hardcore doesn't like X" argument doesn't work anyway. After all, 90% of forum using PS3 owners want Little Big Planet.

What do I think? I think that any console that doesn't have a game that can satisfy you by itself (for an amnount of time = to the life of the console, which is all of them for most people) must have something wrong with it, while PC gamers spend hundreds or thousands of hours on a single game. I only play three games now, and I'm only looking forward to one or two, the Episodic sequel to Half Life and possibly Left 4 Dead. But I'm happy with Team Fortress 2 and Audiosurf which, together, cost $30.

Hardcore-Gamers don't hate the wii. Real Hardcore-gamers had already bought a Wii. PS360-Fanboys hate the Wii.

Lafiel said:
@ MaxwellGT200 )

you can't expect everyone to speak perfect english - I understood what he tried to say, although I'm not a native speaker

@ Rol )

uhm.. the flaws I see with your little hypothesis are:

1. not all "hardcore" users are HD console owners (for instance most Wii owners here are "hardcore")
2. only a minority of "hardcore" users are really attacking the Wii
3. generalizations are stupid

for all I know this might have been just a joke-thread aswell, but I'm too tired to read all the comments

are all of them stupid?


Lafiel said:
for all I know this might have been just a joke-thread aswell, but I'm too tired to read all the comments

No, no, no... completely unnecessary. Here, I'll be generous and give the confused ones a lesson:

Hint #1: "I figured out why..."
RolStoppable with a revelation? Suspicious.

Hint #2: "It makes perfect sense."
Maybe it's because many people here aren't native english speakers, but an insane thought followed by a statement like this is standard sarcasm material.

More educational references:
I figured out why Nintendo isn't localizing more games for America
I figured out why the Wii's attach rate is lower than it could be
I figured out why DMeisterJ is a virgin (oh... oops, how'd that get in there)
I figured out why DMeisterJ doesn't own a PS3

etc etc.

If all else fails, just follow the instructions on his sig.

(Your skill in Rolcasm detection has increased by 1 point!)